J, 5 bytes -/ .* Try it online! For the determinant conjunction, the space before u is necessary, so there is no shaving a byte here. If you want to read more about this conjunction, check out...
J, 7 9 bytes ++2&=@+.~ Try it online! Dyadic fork that executes with the form (x + y) + (2 = x +. y). Thanks to torres for pointing out the obvious flaw.
J, 10 7 bytes +/>:?#/ Try it online! +/>:?#/ #/ : Inserts dyadic # into an array n m Creates n copies of m ? : Roll from 0..y >: : Increment +/ : S...
Ruby, 57 bytes ->a,b,c{%w[+ - * / % **].select{c==a.send(_1,b)rescue p}} Attempt This Online!
J, 23 bytes >:@]^:(>1#.1%1+i.)^:_&1 Try it online! >:@]^:(...)^:_&1 Increments from 1 while >1#.1%1+i. the harmonic sum up to that is less than the input
Embed ESCR, 16 characters [int n "base 2"] The INT function produces the text representation of an integer with lots of formatting options. The only non-default option needed was to set the numb...
J, 17 bytes {{*./y|~*:2+i.y}} Try it online! A direct definition closest to Razetime's infuriatingly good train solution. Outputs a non-zero number for true and 0 for false.
J, 3 bytes ,|. Try it online! This hook y f (g y) appends y with its reverse.
BQN, 107 bytes A↩C←A⇐¯π{_𝕣_:@;/⊏𝕩.y?𝕗‿∊𝕊⟨𝕤,⍷⟩𝕏𝕎𝔽𝕨𝔾𝕘}∞˙⌜˘¨´˝`(•Js⎉⊔⎊⌽⌾⍉⚇«∘»·∧○∨⍋⍒↑↓≍∾˜⥊⋈↕⊢⍟⊣¬!|≡≢/≥⟜≠=⊸≥⊐⊘⊒◶⊑><⌊⌈√⁼⋆+-×÷)⋄# BQN doesn't have keywords but primitive symbols are reserved. It's ...
MATL, 3 distinct, 3 total lH/ Try it online! Computes 1/2. Reserved labels for constants can be found here
MATL, 6 bytes YftuX= Try it online! Same method as Moshi. YftuX= Yf - factor with implicit input t - duplicate u - unique X= - isequal
Bash, 17 bytes echo x$1;./$0 x$1 Try it online! Thanks to celtschk for spotting my mistake :)
Embed ESCR, about 32 characters depending on how you count loop append s "*" show s endloop The indentation is not required, but shown for clarity. Declaring the variable S is also not ...
JavaScript (Node.js), 31 bytes for(i='';;console.log(i+='*')); Try it online!
C (gcc), 47 bytes i,n;f(){for(i=n+++2;i--;)putchar(i?42:13);f();} Try it online!
Lua 5.4.4, 147 bytes local function f()goto l::l::return end for _ in f do end if true and false then elseif""then else end repeat until""or not nil while""do break end Try it online! Check th...