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1.6k posts
+24 −0
Challenges "Hello, World!"

Introduction The classic "Hello, World" challenge. What more can I say? Rules Program takes no input. Program outputs Hello, World! with an optional trailing newline. No other output is accep...

62 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by anna328p‭  ·  last activity 8h ago by Lundin‭

+15 −0
Meta Should challenges be worth 10 reputation?

The fourth highest voted CGCC Meta question asks that SE increases reputation for questions. This is now status completed across the entirety of the Stack Exchange network. However, I notice that i...

2 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by caird coinheringaahing‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+13 −0
Meta Should challenges be worth 10 reputation?

Yes Challenges are what we need to survive Some of our users answer almost every new challenge, but that's not enough to keep codidact alive if there are no new challenges now and then. Challeng...

posted 4y ago by Wezl‭

+13 −0
Challenges Evaluate a single variable polynomial equation

Challenge Given a list of n numbers and x, compute a+bx1+cx2+...+zxn1, where a is the first value in the list, b is the second, etc. n is at most 256 and at least 0. The input va...

20 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by moony‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by south‭

Question code-golf math
+13 −0
Challenges Partial Sums of Harmonic Series

Given an positive integer n, return the least positive integer k such that the kth partial sum of the harmonic series is greater than or equal to n. For example, if n=2, then k=4, b...

13 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Quintec‭  ·  last activity 11d ago by panadestein‭

Question code-golf
+13 −0
Meta How do we handle standardizing things?

Code golf, being about exploiting things, often brings about many questions about edge cases. Since we don't want each challenge to have to deal with all problems again and again, it makes sense to...

3 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by dzaima‭  ·  last activity 10mo ago by Hackysack‭

+13 −0
Challenges Output 256 in many different ways

Challenge Write as many functions, programs, or snippets of code, that result in 256. Your score is the number of separate solutions submitted in an answer. The challenge? The characters used in ...

12 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by dzaima‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by snail_‭

+12 −0
Meta Do we require codegolf challenges include example code?

Don't require example code In general, I believe the decision should be on the challenge creator. Requiring it would be useless for certain types of challenges (kolmogorov-complexity or similar), ...

posted 4y ago by dzaima‭

+12 −0
Meta Welcome to Code Golf!

Welcome to the Codidact site for Code Golf (and other coding challenges)! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is starting "from scratch", without i...

0 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+12 −0
Challenges Print the Great Numeric Pyramid

Print or return this exact text: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 ...

5 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Sisyphus‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Marshall Lochbaum‭

+12 −0
Challenges Cumulative Counts

Challenge Given an array of numbers return the cumulative count of each item. This is the number of times an item has occurred so far. Examples [1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,3,3] -> [1,2,1,2,3,3,4,5,1,2]...

19 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by rak1507‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by WheatWizard‭

Question code-golf
+11 −0
Challenges Merge two strings

Challenge Given two strings a and b, return the shortest string s so that s starts with a and ends with b. (Inspired by ) Exam...

8 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by rak1507‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by radarek‭

Question code-golf
+11 −0
Challenges Output 256 in many different ways

JavaScript, 11 solutions !``<<!``<<!``<<!``<<!``<<!``<<!``<<!``<<!`` TIO 2**2**2*2**2**2 TIO 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555...

posted 4y ago by Hakerh400‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Hakerh400‭

+11 −0
Challenges Output 256 in many different ways

Japt, 10 11 13 15 solutions 256 Works as you would expect. 8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8 Subtracting negative numbers. 4**4...

posted 4y ago by Quintec‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Quintec‭

+11 −0
Meta Default Rules: Code Golf I/O

Functions may take input via arguments and output via return value Functions may also use STDIN/STDOUT as they wish.

posted 3y ago by Quintec‭  ·  edited 3y ago by General Sebast1an‭

+11 −0
Challenges Weave Strings Together

Given a list of strings(and optionally, their length) as input, weave the strings together. Intro Your goal is to mimic the WV operator in Pip. Take a list of strings and alternate between their ...

13 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Razetime‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by radarek‭

Question code-golf string
+11 −0
Challenges Reverse an ASCII string

Your goal is to reverse an ascii string. Given a (optionally newline or null terminated) input, output your input in reverse order, optionally followed by a newline. Terminate afterward. Function...

33 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by moony‭  ·  last activity 10mo ago by xrs‭

Question code-golf
+11 −0
Meta How can we grow this community?

Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...

2 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Razetime‭

+11 −0
Challenges Can you give me half?

Challenge idea taken from: Eliseo D'Annunzio Task Provide code that evaluates to 0.5 numerically, i.e. the output must be recognized by your chosen language as a numeric value (Number, float, dou...

23 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Razetime‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by RubenVerg‭

+10 −0
Challenges Looping counter

Looping counter Create an infinite loop that outputs lines of asterisks, with each line containing one more asterisk. Instead of the asterisk, any printable, non-whitespace character can be used. ...

21 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by celtschk‭  ·  last activity 7mo ago by xrs‭

Question code-golf
+10 −0
Challenges Output 256 in many different ways

Raku, 18 solutions 256 ٢٥٦ ۲۵۶ ߂߅߆ ২৫৬ ᠒᠕᠖ 𑄸𑄻𑄼 4⁴ 0x100 ord Q`Ā` '~~~'~^'LKH' 888-88-88-88-88-88-88-88-8-8 99+99+9+9+9+9+9+9+?9+?9+?9+?9 ($_=3333333)&&m|(3)(3)(3)(3)*|&&...

posted 4y ago by Jo King‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Jo King‭

+10 −0
Challenges Create an Alphabet Diamond

Challenge Output the following text: A ABA ABCBA ABCDCBA ABCDEDCBA ...

11 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by dzaima‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by General Sebast1an‭

+10 −0
Meta Default Rules: Loopholes

Outsourcing the answer to unofficial conditions An example would be a program to print the Fibonacci numbers: instead of actually computing them, it queries an API and gives back its output. Anoth...

posted 3y ago by AndrewTheCodegolfer‭  ·  edited 3y ago by AndrewTheCodegolfer‭

+10 −0
Challenges It's Hip to be Square

Challenge A catalogue type challenge that simply asks: Given an integer n (where n>=0) as input return a truthy value if n is a perfect square or a falsey value if not. Rules You may take...

20 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Shaggy‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Zakk‭

+10 −0
Challenges Are All Elements Equal?

Challenge Given a list of integers >= 0 , check if all of them are equal. Tests [1,1,1,1,1] -> true [0,1,1,6,7] -> false [1] -> true [] -> undefined(you do n...

16 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Razetime‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by torres‭