Given a string of Roman numerals, decide whether it forms a valid Roman number. If not, output the substring that proves this, from the list of 50 strings described below. Relevant fact This chal...
This is a fixed output challenge. It is similar to a standard Kolmogorov complexity challenge, except you get to choose your own fixed output. Given no input, output 55 fruits. You may choose any 5...
Given a chess board with some knights on it, say how many squares are neither attacked by a knight nor containing a knight. Input An 8 by 8 grid where each square is either a knight or empty T...
The probability of rolling every number from 1 to 6 with $N$ six-sided dice. Input A positive integer $N$. Your code must work for inputs up to and including 10, but may crash, error, or give ...
Given a sequence of letters, output only the vowels. Input A sequence of letters This may be a string or any ordered data structure of characters (provided it is consistent between inputs) Th...
Given a string, convert all of its letters using ROT13, and all of its digits using ROT5. This is sometimes referred to as ROT13.5. Input A sequence of printable ASCII characters (character cod...
Given a single character, which is a valid Roman numeral, output its value. Values There are 7 valid single character Roman numerals, with the following values: Character Value I...
Given 3 positive integers, indicate whether they are Borromean coprimes. Definition 3 positive integers are called Borromean coprimes if both of the following are true: Their greatest common d...
This is a fixed output challenge. Output a textual representation of a chessboard hosting 8 queens, none of which are attacking each other. There are 92 ways of arranging them, 12 if rotations and...
Given a positive integer as input, indicate which base from 2 to 16 gives the most holes in the representation of the input in that base. The digits used are 0123456789ABCDEF. Note that these incl...
Given a sequence of letters, omit those with the highest or lowest pop count. Terminology The pop count or population count of a binary string is the number of 1s in it. For this challenge, the ...
Given a string of printable ASCII characters, convert them all to lowercase, except not just the letters. ASCII characters that are letters have a bit in their binary representation that is 0 for ...
Given a hinged tetromino, give it a unique, consistent label independent of location, rotation, and reflection. Tetrominoes A tetromino is a connected subset of the square tiling, composed of 4 s...
Given a sequence of lower case letters, sort them into order of height. Heights The heights of letters are dependent on font, so for this challenge the height order to be used is as defined below...
This is a language specific challenge, for HTML only. Your answer is the content of a self contained HTML file, that when opened in a web browser gives a plain black page. Requirements The HTM...
$N$ vessels initially contain $3$ stones each. What is the probability of having at least $3$ stones in the first vessel after moving a uniformly random selection from the first vessel to the secon...
Does a positive integer have a substring as a factor? Input A positive integer. Output One of 2 distinct values to indicate whether the input has a factor that is a strict substring of it...
Consider a type of hexadecimal colour code that supports shorthand for both greyscale and colour: A 6 digit code is interpreted as 2 digits for red, followed by 2 for green, then 2 for blue. A ...
Given a word that can be rotated by 180 degrees (a half turn) about at least one of its 3 axes and continue to be composed of English alphabet letters, output one of its rotated forms. The 3 rotat...
You roll $N$ six-sided dice simultaneously. Your score is the highest number rolled. If you play this game many times, what is the expected value (mean) of your score? Input A positive integer ...
Convert a matrix or grid of digits to its antitranspose. For a square matrix , this is its reflection in its antidiagonal. More generally, for a rectangular matrix, this is its reflection in its sk...
Connect opposite corners of a rectangle of characters without putting 4 characters in a row. Input Two numbers, W and H, representing the width and height of the rectangle Each number will be ...
Given an integer $N$ in balanced quinary, output the first $N$ characters of your source code if $N$ is positive, or the last $-N$ characters of your source code if $N$ is negative. Terminology ...
Suggest a word from a word list, given a string. Motivation Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simp...