Posts by Olin Lathrop
Embed ESCR, 6 unique characters, 19 bytes [/ [*] [+ [*] [*]]] Each [] pair of brackets encloses an in-line function. The first token in a function is the function name, and subsequent tokens, if...
Embed ESCR, 16 characters [int n "base 2"] The INT function produces the text representation of an integer with lots of formatting options. The only non-default option needed was to set the numb...
Embed ESCR, about 32 characters depending on how you count loop append s "*" show s endloop The indentation is not required, but shown for clarity. Declaring the variable S is also not ...
I don't like the partially or fully hidden examples. Those require more work to see the details, instead of just scrolling on. Anyone curious enough about a challenge from the title will want to ...
ESCR - not a golfing answer This isn't really an answer to the question, and it's not an attempt at golfing. However, it shows a cute trick for solving this problem that falls out of the way the ...
Embed ESCR, 28 characters [= [exp [rnd [sqrt n]] 2] n] The number to test is in N. There are 4 nested functions. From inner to outer: SQRT takes the square root of N. This produces a floating ...
ESCR, 35 bytes show "show [+ [arg 1] " [arg 1] "]" The SHOW command writes to standard output. The parameters in quotes are just fixed strings. The ARG function returns a numbered argument. In...
ESCR, 17 bytes show [and [in] 1] ESCR has no way to read from standard input (currently), so I assumed the existence of the function IN which magically returns the user input. Since the user i...