Posts by dzaima
Challenge Write as many functions, programs, or snippets of code, that result in 256. Your score is the number of separate solutions submitted in an answer. The challenge? The characters used in ...
Code golf, being about exploiting things, often brings about many questions about edge cases. Since we don't want each challenge to have to deal with all problems again and again, it makes sense to...
Don't require example code In general, I believe the decision should be on the challenge creator. Requiring it would be useless for certain types of challenges (kolmogorov-complexity or similar), ...
Challenge Output the following text: A ABA ABCBA ABCDCBA ABCDEDCBA ...
The answer header must specify the minimum implementation & environment required If there are multiple implementations of a language and an answer depends on features of one, it must be specif...
Canvas, 19 bytes ‾-{{╷¹²-m‾-¹-m] *]/ Try it here! ‾-{{╷¹²-m‾-¹-m] *]/ Program, ascii-fied for monospacing ‾- push 28 { ] for 1…28 (pushing counter & s...
Canvas, 17 11 bytes Z2n⤢J{×7«mT Try it here! Z The alphabet 2n split into pairs: ["AB","CD","EF",…] ⤢ transposed: ["ACEGI…","BDFHJ…"] J remove and pu...
SOGL, 10 bytes ╥‰~⅜,(ε ‘ū Try it here! Built-in compression of "hello"; ", "; "world"; "!", with first letters of words uppercased.
Dyalog APL Extended, 14 bytes {¯4⍭4⍭⍣(⍵≤-)2} Try it online! {¯4⍭4⍭⍣(⍵≤-)2} Monadic dfn 2 start with 2 ⍣ Repeat 4⍭ the function "next prime" ...
BQN, 5 bytes 1+⊒ Try it here! 3 characters, but, as there's no SBCS codepage for BQN, it must be counted as UTF-8. Two of the three characters are just adding one to the built-in that almost ...
If there exists something (reasonable) that can run it, it's valid. This includes obscure, non-standards-compliant compilers (though this should be specified in the answer if needed). So any poste...
Canvas, 24 bytes zz+¹┘%!* ‾U{ŗ3Fi⁸5Bu⁸+nO Try it here! Explanation (ASCII-fied for better monospacing): zz+¹┘%!* Helper function ⁸; Expects stack to be [modulo, string] zz+ append "z...
BQN, 29 28 bytes (⍉≍""){⍉⌽𝕩∾˘𝕨⥊˜⋈˜≠𝕩}´⟜⌽'@'+↕ Try it here! Explanation: (⍉≍""){⍉⌽𝕩∾˘𝕨⥊˜⋈˜≠𝕩}´⟜⌽'@'+↕ # a function taking a single argument ⍉≍"" # a 0-by-1 matrix (...