Posts by moony
Challenge Given a list of n numbers and x, compute $a + bx^1 + cx^{2} + ... + zx^{n-1}$, where a is the first value in the list, b is the second, etc. n is at most 256 and at least 0. The input va...
Your goal is to reverse an ascii string. Given a (optionally newline or null terminated) input, output your input in reverse order, optionally followed by a newline. Terminate afterward. Function...
I feel it'd be a good idea to require, or at least heavily encourage, that challenges include an example, ungolfed, readable solution in a non-golf language like Javascript, C, Rust, or Python. Th...
Challenge Cause the currently running program to receive the SIGSEGV signal (on Linux or other *nix systems) as fast as possible. What it does with the signal doesn't matter as long as it receives...
Post tips for Befunge code golf here! This is based on a type of question I used to see on CGCC, where people would post tips for golfing in various languages. They happened to be quite helpful, s...
I'd like to make a challenge that involves the use of a microcontroller, specifically, a challenge to read any 4-bit Gray Code from 4 IO pins, and convert it to binary. Simple introductory type cha...
Golfing numbers Numbers above 15 and below zero take more than one byte to create. Here's a table of numbers up to 100 (Not including negatives yet) Table for '98 NOTE: For numbers that are al...
Raku, 19 bytes "Hello, World!".say Explanation First second answer of the.. entire site, actually. Nothing special. I don't think this can go shorter, but this is Raku, who actually knows. I m...
Rust 1.0.0, 58 53 52 37 bytes fn a(){#[no_mangle]static mmap:u8=0;}
Befunge-98, 45 39 37 33 29 21 bytes v:~< >a-| >v$< ,: ^_@ Try it online! This answer probably sucks :P
Bitwise operations (WIP) Befunge, rather pointedly, lacks bitwise ops. No shifts, no and, no or, no xor. Shifts Shifts can be implemented as multiplication and division by powers of two. Shifts...