Posts by bastolski
Python 3, 20 19 bytes lambda n:n**.5%1==0 -1 byte thanks to @shaggy : 0.5 -> .5 Try it online!
Python 3, 61 bytes lambda n,m:sum(randint(1,m)for i in[0]*n) from random import* Try it online! This is not an interesting answer as it is just a copy of your code. I tried to do it with ch...
Python 2, 61 bytes i=12;exec"print'YWUSQOMKIGECABDFHJLNPRTVXZ'[i:14+i];i-=1;"*13 Try it online! I tried to do it without writing the full list 'YWUSQOMKIGECABDFHJLNPRTVXZ' but couldn't get l...
Python 3, 74 bytes lambda n:"╔"+"╦"*(n-3)+"╗\n"+("╠"+"╬"*(n-3)+"╣\n")*(n-2)+"╚"+"╩"*(n-3)+"╝" Try it online!
Python 3, 82 81 bytes lambda a,b:[a[:i]+b for i in range(len(a)+2)if i>len(a)or b[:len(a)-i]==a[i:]][0] Try it online!