Posts by __blackjack__
Python, 98 bytes from itertools import* f=lambda n:[*islice(filter(lambda k:k%sum(map(int,str(k)))==0,count(1)),n)] itertools.count() generates integer numbers starting from 1, filter() fil...
Python 3, 60 59 bytes D=input();m=int(max(D),16);print(m and int(D,m+1)or len(D)) Quite straight forward implementation. Input string is assigned to D. m is the the max() letter in D conver...
Python 3, 63 bytes print(str(eval(f"({input().replace(' ',')*(')})")).strip("()")) Try it online! Similar to hyper-neutrino's answer. Doesn't replace i by j and back, and uses f-string instea...
Python 3, 70 bytes def f(a): d={};r=[] for x in a:d[x]=d.get(x,0)+1;r+=[d[x]] return r Try it online!
Z80 Assembler, 50 bytes org 256 ld de,m ld c,9 jp 5 m:db"Hello, world!\r$" With assembler there's usually the problem which machine or operating system the program is for. I've chosen CP/M ...