Posts by H_H
Simple challenge: Read a byte, swap bit 7 with 0, 6 with 1, 5 with 2 and 4 with 3 and then output the byte. For example the byte 0b1001'1100 would turn into 0b0011'1001. Rules: Shortest code wi...
Input is a number, you have to decide if it is part of the mandelbrot set or not, after at least 16 iterations. This is done by applying this formula: $z_n = z_{n-1}^2 + c$ repeatedly. $c$ is the ...
SageMath, 68 66 64 Byte. 62 if you don't count the m= g=gcd;m=lambda a,b,c:min(g(a,b),g(a,c),g(b,c))<2or g(g(b,c),a)>1 Returns False for borromean coprimes and True for all other natural ...
Goal Print the modular multiplicative inverse with a modulus of 65536 (or a higher exponent of 2) for odd numbers 1-97. Example output Print these values (or an extension of them): 1 43691 52...
C, 30 + 1-4 byte f(m){f(printf("%0*i\n",m,0));} Has this limitations: counter stops working at INT_MAX or at stack overflow. Needs a input value to indicate on which line we start. 0 starts...
For challenges that require a input, what is the maximum a solution has to support, if not further specified by the challenge author? Lets say the input is a string, how long a string has to be ac...
C, 59 byte h(n){return n&4?n&2?5:n&1?1e3:n&8?50:500:n&2?100:n&1?1:10;} Old version, 60 byte: h(n){return n&4?n&2?5:n&1?1000:n&8?50:500:n&2?100:n&...
Brainfuck, 10 Bytes ,[>,]<[.<] Requires EOF to be 0. Try it online! ,[>,]<[.<] , # Read character [ ] # loop as long as current cell is not 0 (EOF) >, ...
A program may use IOs for input and output. A input can be read via IO, which can be a port with (multiple) IOs each IO reads a symbol (a bit or more when you have a ADC). Or it can come from fram...
A program may output a boolean value by using different amount of time or instructions till it returns. If a program needs to determine a boolean value, it may return in less than N second (or ins...