Posts by Karl Knechtel
Python (3.6 and up), 32 bytes (unsigned integer I/O) lambda x:int(f'{x:08b}'[::-1],2) Input and output are int objects. This also reverses the bits in integers larger than 255, implicitly infer...
Python, 37 27 bytes First, with input as an integer: lambda i:sum(ord(x)&1for x in str(i)) This converts the number to string (in the base-10 default) and processes each character. It expl...
Python, 143 bytes def r(i): y,z=65537,1+(1<<32);s=257*y*z;n=(i|(i&252*s)*y>>10|(i&254*s)*z>>17|(i&127*s)*z>>15|(i&63*s)*y>>6)&(1<<64)-1 ...