Posts by celtschk
C (gcc), 32 bytes f(a,b){return a>0?f(b,a-b)+1:0;} Try it online!
Python 3, 76 71 bytes Saved 5 bytes thanks to user def f(p,n):l=[n*p//q for(p,q)in p if n%q<1];return f(p,l[0])if l else n Try it online! This code assumes that the fractions are given a...
Given two strings, I define their product as follows: If any of the two strings is empty, the product is the empty string. If the second string consists of a single character, the result ...
Bash, 20 18 bytes Saved two bytes by removing the quotes; the code works well without them. echo Hello, `cat`! Try it online!
If you print some string s without a newline character at the end, instead of print(s,end="") write print(end=s) to save two bytes. Note that this only works for strings, not for other typ...
Contestants should read from standard input and write to standard output. This is because almost all programming languages, including most esoteric programming languages, allow reading from standar...
C (gcc), 114 bytes f(int n,int*p,int*i,int**o){if(n){int*m=i,k;for(;*m!=*p;++m);k=m-i;f(k,p+1,i,o);f(n-k-1,p+k+1,m+1,o);*(*o)++=*p;}} Try it online! Arguments: n is the length of the arra...
Use pointer arithmetic and \0 with string literals In C, strings are just zero-terminated character arrays, which means you can play tricks with pointer arithmetic. For example, the line char*s=a...
C (gcc), 774 bytes #define S strcat(o, #define I(s)if(n)S s);else{S" ");return;} #define B);break;case n,N,s;char*i,o[999],*d[]={"zero ","one ","two ","three ","four ","five ","six ","seven "...
Python 3, 69 bytes i="))43,]1-::[i,43,73(%ci(tnirp;%c%s%c=i";print(i%(37,34,i[::-1],34)) Try it online!
Reorder expressions in order to save whitespace Consider the following code: if c=='U':c='X' The space between if and c obviously cannot be removed, as that would merge them to the identifier ...
Python 3, 99 bytes r=[*range(26)] a="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" for i in r+r[-2::-1]:print(" "*(26-i)+a[:i]+a[i::-1]) Try it online!
C (gcc), 46 bytes f(int*a){return *a<0|a[1]<0||*a==a[1]&f(a+1);} This takes an array that is terminated by a negative number (which is not part of the list content, just like the te...
Python 3, 78 bytes def t(n,*l):d="0+-"[n%3];return d*(not l or n*n) if n*n<2 else t((n+1)//3,1)+d Try it online!
If you have any tips for golfing in Python, add them as answers to this post.
Unlambda, 1 solution Since Unlambda code that does something always contains the backtick character, there cannot be more than one solution. ```.2.5.6i
C (gcc), 232 bytes f(n,w,p){printf("%i bottle%s of beer%s%s",n,"s"+(n<2)," on the wall"+w,p);}main(i){for(i=99;i;){f(i,0,", ");f(i,12,".\n");printf(i>1?"Take one down and pass it around, "...
On my challenge Looping Counter there are several entries like this which contains a function which needs to be called with the right parameters to give the correct output. In this particular case,...
C (gcc), 37 bytes This takes an integer as input. It uses the fact that the last digit is odd if and only if the number is odd, and that integer division by 10 removes the last digit. Testing if ...
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