Posts by manassehkatz
PHP, 13 bytes Hello, World! PHP by default prints all source to output until it encounters <? or <?php.
I haven't been involved enough in SE Code Golf to really count for much. But I do think we need to have policies stated somewhere. One advantage we have here is that once policies get reasonably fi...
I think there should be a standard set of tabs to use in Sandbox to indicate that a post has been turned into a Challenge, and possibly for other Sandbox-specific status issues as well.
I suggest we have some status tags for Sandbox. In particular, one like "status-finalized" instead of manually (and therefore inconsistently and not searchable) changing the title to say "[FINALIZE...
HTML, 28 Bytes <HTML style=background:#000> #000 is shorter than black and quote marks are officially required but browsers figure it out.