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Comments on Abstract Rewriting Systems (Cops)


Abstract Rewriting Systems (Cops)


This is somewhat of a [proof-golf]-like [cops-and-robbers]. This is the cops' thread; the robbers' thread is here


  • Cops
  • Scoring
  • What is a rewrite rule?
    • An example
    • An example of impossibility
  • Determining the winner


Your task is to create an abstract rewriting system in which the reachability of one word from another should preferably be difficult to determine.

The following things will be prepared beforehand:

  1. A set of symbols, referred to here as the "alphabet". You can use any Unicode symbols for these, with 2 exceptions:
    • No whitespace.
    • No symbols that are hard to distinguish from each other.
  2. A source string composed of symbols from your alphabet.
  3. A target string composed of symbols from your alphabet.
  4. A set of rewrite rules using characters from your alphabet.
    • See the section "What is a rewrite rule?" to see what we are defining a rewrite rule to be.
  5. A proof showing whether or not your source string can be converted into your target string by a successive application of the rewrite rules.
    • This proof might be an actual sequence of rewrites, or it could be a mathematical proof that such a sequence exists/does not exist.

However, only the first 4 of these things will be posted, keeping the proof a secret. The robbers will try to crack your answer by providing their own proof that the target string can/cannot be reached by the source.

If your submission is not cracked after 3 weeks, you can mark your answer as safe and edit in your proof.


Submissions will be scored according to the total number of characters in the target and source strings, along with the number of characters in the rewrite rules (including separators).

The winner will be the user with the uncracked submission with the lowest score, although more specifics will be discussed in the section "Determining the winner".

Starting March 1st, 2025 12AM UTC, any answers to the question will be considered to be "non-competing" (See "Determining the winner"), although answers can still be posted after this date.

What is a rewrite rule?

What this is is simply a pair of strings in your alphabet. Either of - but not both of - these strings can be empty.

An example

Consider the following alphabet, source and target strings, and rewrite rules: (Score 40)


Source string:

Target string:

Rewrite rules:

Then we can reach the target string as follows:

CD        (Rule 1)
ACD       (Rule 6)
BAD       (Rule 2)
BBCAD     (Rule 3)
BBCCDD    (Rule 1)
BBCDCD    (Rule 7)
BBDCCD    (Rule 7)
BBCCCD    (Rule 5)
BCBCD     (Rule 4)
BCBDC     (Rule 7)
BCBCC     (Rule 5)
BCCB      (Rule 4)
CBB       (Rule 4)
ACBB      (Rule 6)
BABB      (Rule 2)
BCDBB     (Rule 1)
BDCBB     (Rule 7)
BCCBB     (Rule 5)
CBBB      (Rule 4)
ACBBB     (Rule 6)
BABBB     (Rule 2)
BCDBBB    (Rule 1)
BDCBBB    (Rule 7)
BCCBBB    (Rule 5)
CBBBB     (Rule 4)

An example of impossibility

Suppose there are symbols M, I, and U which can be combined to produce strings of symbols. The MU puzzle asks one to start with the "axiomatic" string MI and transform it into the string MU using in each step one of the following transformation rules:


The reason this is impossible is simple:

Proof of impossibility

Only the first 3 rules directly affect the Is. However, we have that there is no way for us to double the amount of Is starting from 1 I such that the number is divisible by 3. Also, subtracting 3 from the number of I, no matter what, does not make it divisible by 3. Therefore this puzzle is impossible mathematically.

Determining the winner

The winning answer will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. The answer must have been posted before March 1st, 2025 12AM UTC to qualify as a competing answer.
  2. The answer must be uncracked 3 weeks after posting. (If it was posted Feb. 28, 2025 - the latest date possible to post a competing answer - then it must remain uncracked until March 21, 2025 at the minimum.)
    • The answer must be marked as "safe" at some point after the 3 weeks are up.
  3. It must have the lowest score out of all the other answers.
    • If there is a tie, then the number of distinct characters in both alphabets will be considered, with fewer being better.
    • If there is still a tie, then the older answer will be the winner.

A Top 10 leaderboard will be edited in on March 22, 2025 at the bottom of the post to showcase the Top 10 lowest (uncracked) scores.

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1 comment thread

Example of impossibility without placeholders (7 comments)
Example of impossibility without placeholders
trichoplax‭ wrote 4 months ago

The section "What is a rewrite rule?" makes clear that the 2 strings can only contain symbols from your alphabet. However, the example of impossibility has rewrite rules that include placeholders x and y that are not symbols from the alphabet "MIU".

If you would like the example to be consistent with the permitted rewrite rules for this challenge, one possibility might be the following similar rewrite rules, containing no placeholders but still leading to impossibility for similar reasons:


Alternatively they could be made consistent by allowing placeholders in the rewrite rules for this challenge. I don't have a preference - just giving a potential example in case it's useful.

CrSb0001‭ wrote 4 months ago

x and y are considered here to be placeholder strings, made up of letters in {M,I,U}. Also, with these new rewrite rules, we lose the important aspect of the (original) MU puzzle that we are allowed to duplicate any string that comes after an M.

trichoplax‭ wrote 4 months ago

Does this mean that it is your intention to allow placeholder strings in answers too, not just in the example? If so it's worth making that explicit in the "What is a rewrite rule?" section. Currently it would be easy for someone to interpret that section as only allowing direct use of symbols in the rewrite rules, rather than also allowing placeholders.

CrSb0001‭ wrote 4 months ago

No, that would not be the intention.

The intention was to show an example of an impossible puzzle using the example from Wikipedia, originally stated in 1979 along with being first published in 1980.

If you want though I can add another example of impossibility.

trichoplax‭ wrote 4 months ago

If placeholders are not permitted in answers, but are used in an example, I would expect some people to (understandably) misinterpret the rules. I would expect less confusion if the example were also valid as an answer.

If there is no way to express the rule "can duplicate any string that comes after an M" in an answer, then the example is misleading. The original MU puzzle would be a good example for a different challenge that allows placeholders.

CrSb0001‭ wrote 4 months ago

That's fair. I'll change it

CrSb0001‭ wrote 4 months ago

It's been added.

I also have an answer to the question if you want to try cracking that