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Comments on Fibonacci without consecutive digits


Fibonacci without consecutive digits


Output the Nth number in the list of Fibonacci numbers that have no consecutive digits.


  • A non-negative integer (if you treat the Fibonacci numbers as zero-indexed) or a positive integer (if you treat the Fibonacci numbers as one-indexed).


  • The Nth number in the list of Fibonacci numbers whose base 10 (decimal) representation has no adjacent digits that are consecutive.
  • The Fibonacci numbers start with 0 and 1, then each subsequent Fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers.
  • You may choose to treat the Fibonacci numbers as either zero-indexed or one-indexed. Either way, the Fibonacci numbers begin with zero:
    • Zero-indexed: For input 0, the output is 0.
    • One-indexed: For input 1, the output is 0.
  • Two digits are consecutive if their absolute difference is 1.
  • The consecutive digits can be in either ascending or descending order - either will lead to exclusion from the list.


Single digit Fibonacci numbers

  • A single digit number has no adjacent digits, so all single digit Fibonacci numbers are included.

Two digit Fibonacci numbers

  • 34 and 89 are excluded because their digits are consecutive.
  • 21 is also excluded due to consecutive digits in descending order.

Non-adjacent consecutive digits

  • 46368 contains the digits 4 and 3, which are consecutive digits. However, they are not adjacent (being separated by a 6) so 46368 is included.

Test cases

Test cases are in the format input : output.

Zero-indexed test cases

0 : 0
1 : 1
2 : 1
3 : 2
4 : 3
5 : 5
6 : 8
7 : 13
8 : 55
9 : 144
10 : 377
11 : 1597
12 : 2584
13 : 4181
14 : 17711
15 : 46368
16 : 75025
17 : 196418
18 : 514229
19 : 14930352
20 : 39088169

One-indexed test cases

1 : 0
2 : 1
3 : 1
4 : 2
5 : 3
6 : 5
7 : 8
8 : 13
9 : 55
10 : 144
11 : 377
12 : 1597
13 : 2584
14 : 4181
15 : 17711
16 : 46368
17 : 75025
18 : 196418
19 : 514229
20 : 14930352
21 : 39088169


This is a code golf challenge. Your score is the number of bytes in your code. Lowest score for each language wins.

Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.

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Japt, 17 bytes


gU²o!gM fÈì äa eÉ

Try it

15 bytes


@µXì äa eÉ}f!gM

Try it

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Zero-indexing and one-indexing (1 comment)
Zero-indexing and one-indexing
trichoplax‭ wrote 2 months ago

I defined the Fibonacci numbers to be zero-indexed for clarity, but seeing your answer makes me realise this may disadvantage some languages, which was not my intention.

I have now edited the challenge to allow either zero-indexed or one-indexed Fibonacci numbers, while still requiring that the initial Fibonacci number be zero. I don't know Japt, but from trying it online it appears that this makes your 15 byte solution valid as a main answer rather than an aside. Let me know if I've missed something.