Length of a Sumac Sequence[FINALIZED]
Heavily based on this closed challenge from SE.
A Sumac sequence starts with two non-zero integers $t_1$ and $t_2.$
The next term, $t_3 = t_1 - t_2$
More generally, $t_n = t_{n-2} - t_{n-1}$
The sequence ends when $t_n ≤ 0$ (exclusive). No negative integers should be present in the sequence.
Given two integers $t_1$ and $t_2$, compute the Sumac sequence, and output it's length.
If there is a negative number in the input, remove everything after it(including the negative number), and compute the length. The length can be 0.
You may take the input in any way (Array, two numbers, etc.)
Test Cases
Taken from the original question.
t1 t2 length
120 71 5
101 42 3
500 499 4
387 1 3
3 -128 1
-2 3 0
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