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Raku, 32 bytes {map +*,($_,*[0]...^9 ge*.gist)} Try it online! It's difficult to tell the difference between one element arrays and just plain numbers, since Raku translates between the two....
#1: Initial revision
# [Raku], 32 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-perl6 --> {map +*,($_,*[0]...^9 ge*.gist)} [Try it online!][TIO-ki35vvlw] [Raku]: [TIO-ki35vvlw]: "Perl 6 – Try It Online" It's difficult to tell the difference between one element arrays and just plain numbers, since Raku translates between the two. However, `gist` returns the list formatted with brackets surrounding it, so we are able to use that to our advantage using string comparison.