Integer to Roman numeral
The task is to take a decimal integer as input and print the corresponding Roman numeral with capital letters.
The program must handle all positive integer numbers between 1 and 1000. Input can be assumed to be correct and no error handling is necessary.
Example data:
Input Output
1 I
9 IX
10 X
800 DCCC
900 CM
1000 M
This is code golf, shortest source code wins.
Example code of a simple iterative algorithm in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char* romanize (int val)
static char result[99]="";
typedef struct
int val;
char* str;
} roman_t;
const roman_t lookup[] =
{ 1, "I" },
{ 4, "IV" },
{ 5, "V" },
{ 9, "IX" },
{ 10, "X" },
{ 40, "XL" },
{ 50, "L" },
{ 90, "XC" },
{ 100, "C" },
{ 400, "CD" },
{ 500, "D", },
{ 900, "CM" },
{ 1000, "M" }
const size_t supported_items = sizeof lookup / sizeof *lookup;
for(size_t i=supported_items-1; i>=0 && val!=0; i--)
while(val >= lookup[i].val)
strcat(result, lookup[i].str);
val -= lookup[i].val;
return result;
int main (void)
int input;
scanf("%d", &input);
[JavaScript (Node.js)], 147 by …
4y ago
Perl 5 `-pMRoman`, 10 bytes (1 …
4y ago
C (compliant), 197 198 bytes. …
4y ago
3 answers
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JavaScript (Node.js), 147 bytes
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C (compliant), 197 198 bytes.
Golfed version of the function in the question, using X macros:
#define L Y(1000,M)Y(900,CM)Y(500,D)Y(400,CD)Y(100,C)Y(90,XC)Y(50,L)Y(40,XL)Y(10,X)Y(9,IX)Y(5,V)Y(4,IV)Y(1,I)return r;
#define Y(n,R)for(;v>=n;v-=n)strcat(r,#R);
char r[99];char*f(int v){L}
This function abuses static initialization so it can only be called once. By adding *r=0;
, we can call it multiple times during testing, which is why the code in the TIO link below looks slightly longer.
It can be minimized a bit further with non-compliant gcc tricks.
Perl 5 -pMRoman
, 10 bytes (17 if including command-line switches)
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