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APL (Dyalog Extended), 18 bytes Anonymous tacit prefix function taking a list of two strings as argument. 2=1⊥(≠⌿∊≢⍤⊢⌸⍤,⍤1↑) Try it online! (…) apply the following tacit function to the arg...
#1: Initial revision
# [APL (Dyalog Extended)], 18 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-apl --> Anonymous tacit prefix function taking a list of two strings as argument. 2=1⊥(≠⌿∊≢⍤⊢⌸⍤,⍤1↑) [Try it online!][TIO-klr9s1xj] `(`…`)` apply the following tacit function to the argument:  `↑` mix the list of strings into a 2-row character matrix (padding any short string with spaces as necessary)  `∊`…`⍤1` with the **e**nlisted (flattened into a single string) argument as left argument, apply the following function to each row of the matrix:   `⍤,` concatenate the enlisted string to the row string, then:   `≢⍤⊢⌸` count the number of occurrences of each unique element, in their order of appearance  `≠⌿` Boolean mask indicating where the rows differ `1⊥` sum (lit. evaluate as unary; i.e. count differences) `2=` is 2 equal to that? [APL (Dyalog Extended)]: [TIO-klr9s1xj]: "APL (Dyalog Extended) – Try It Online"