What's a code bowling challenge?
There's another type of challenge named code bowling, and I've never heard of it, or even if I did, still don't know how it works. I'm willing to write challenges on code bowling and I want to know how the challenge works.
In a summary, what's a code bowling challenge and what's the criteria?
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It's the opposite of code golf.
Code bowling is essentially a challenge where you try to write the longest code possible, as opposed to the shortest code. Now, this format comes with many issues, and you may be able to see why. For example, just adding comments increases code length - you need a very well-defined, specific, strict set of rules to write code-bowling challenges. It's very tricky to do this well - most code-bowling challenges on Stack Exchange failed to meet this, and as a result were later closed and locked.
A good place to start is the rule "any removals from the source code make the code not work anymore", but this is not really enough to stop the endless possibilities of loopholes to make your code longer.
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What's a code bowling challenge?
Code bowling is a challenge/competition to solve a particular (usually simple) problem in the most bytes or complexity. From CGCC
Are there any additional criteria that can be added in a code bowling challenge?
Code golfing is the exact opposite of code bowling, so we can't use that. You can add additional criteria to make a challenge (slightly) harder. Take for example, this challenge from CGCC that adds a criteria that the code should be irreducible.
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