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JavaScript (V8), 185 bytes for(c=99;c;)print((f=(s=` on the wall`)=>`${c||99} bottle${~-c?`s`:``} of beer`+s)()+`, ${f``}. ${--c?`Take one down and pass it around`:`Go to the store and buy s...
#1: Initial revision
# [JavaScript (V8)](, 185 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-javascript --> for(c=99;c;)print((f=(s=` on the wall`)=>`${c||99} bottle${~-c?`s`:``} of beer`+s)()+`, ${f``}. ${--c?`Take one down and pass it around`:`Go to the store and buy some more`}, ${f()}. `) [Try it online!]( )