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Sclipting, (UTF-16) 80 bytes 갰減먩놔 먩놦①復먩놗겮꺕똀 먩놬①復①增疊먩놣겮꺕똀會먩놣겮꺕떠 먩놩⑴復먩놝 Explanation Input n pushed on stack 갰減 Subtract 3 먩놔 "╔" 먩놦 "╦" ①復 String of above repeat...
#1: Initial revision
# [Sclipting], [(UTF-16) 80 bytes][Byte count] ``` 갰減먩놔 먩놦①復먩놗겮꺕똀 먩놬①復①增疊먩놣겮꺕똀會먩놣겮꺕떠 먩놩⑴復먩놝 ``` Explanation ``` Input n pushed on stack 갰減 Subtract 3 먩놔 "╔" 먩놦 "╦" ①復 String of above repeated n-3 times 먩놗겮꺕똀 "╗\n╠" 먩놬 "╬" ①復 String of above repeated n-3 times ①增疊 List of above repeated (n-3)+1 times 먩놣겮꺕똀 "╣\n╠" 會 Join the list with separater above 먩놣겮꺕떠 "╣\n╚" 먩놩 "╩" ⑴復 String of above repeated n-3 times (but finally remove n-3 from stack) 먩놝 "╝" ``` [Sclipting]: [Byte count]: