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[Rule 110] is a Turing complete cellular automaton. It is defined as follows: Take as initial value a sequence of symbols that's infinite to both sides, which consists only of two different symbol...
#1: Initial revision
Implement Rule 110
[Rule 110] is a Turing complete cellular automaton. It is defined as follows: Take as initial value a sequence of symbols that's infinite to both sides, which consists only of two different symbols (I'm going to use $+$ and $-$ here). This sequence can be seen as a function that maps the integers to the set $\\{+,-\\}$. Then in each iteration, calculate a new such sequence as follows: To determine the new value at position $n$, look at the old values in the cells $n-1$, $n$ and $n+1$, and then look up the new value in the following table: <div> \begin{align} \begin{array}{c|cccccccc} \text{old} & +++ & ++- & +-+ & +-- & -++ & -+- & --+ & ---\\ \hline \text{new} & - & + & + & - & + & + & + & - \end{array} \end{align} </div> Your task is to implement Rule 110. In particular, your program shall take as input: * A non-empty string that represents a pattern which is periodically repeated to both sides, starting at position 0 (so if the string is `+-`, then there's a `+` on all even positions, and a `-` on all odd positions. * A second (empty or non-empty) string that represents a local deviation from that pattern, again starting at position 0. for example, with the above background pattern, if the second string is `---+++`, then the initial state of the cellular automaton is ``` ...+-+-+-+----++++-+-+-... ↑ position 0 ``` * A number of iterations, which may be zero or positive. It then outputs the relevant part resulting state of the state space as string. More exactly, if your pattern has length $p$ your local disturbance has length $l$, and the number of iterations is $n$, then you need to print the output space from position $-2p-n$ up to position $l+2p+n-1$ inclusive. You may use arbitrary sequence types (such as list or tuples) instead of strings. Also you may use arbitrary characters instead of `+` and `-`, or values of other types (e.g. integers or logical values), as long as you have exactly two of them and state clearly which of them corresponds to $+$ and which to $-$. This is <span class="badge is-tag">code-golf</span>, thus the shortest code wins. Test cases: ``` Pattern: "-" Local: "" Iterations: 0 ---- Output: "----" Pattern: "-" Local: "+" Iterations: 0 ---- Output: "--+--" Pattern: "-" Local: "-" Iterations: 0 ---- Output: "-----" Pattern: "+-" Local: "-" Iterations: 0 ---- Output: "+-+---+-+" Pattern: "-+" Local: "-" Iterations: 0 ---- Output: "-+-+-+-+-" Pattern: "+" Local: "" Iterations: 1 ---- Output: "------" Pattern: "+-" Local: "" Iterations: 1 ---- Output: "++++++++++" Pattern: "-" Local: "+" Iterations: 1 ---- Output: "--++---" Pattern: "-" Local: "+" Iterations: 3 ---- Output: "--++-+-----" Pattern: "+---" Local: "" Iterations: 3 ---- Output: "++-+++-+++-+++-+++-+++" Pattern: "+-" Local: "-" Iterations: 3 ---- Output: "----+++++------" ```