Does Looping Counter qualify as kolmogorov-complexity?
Lundin just suggested in a comment under another question that I tag the challenge Looping Counter as kolmogorov-complexity.
Now I'm not sure if it actually qualifies for that tag, for the following reasons:
It is an infinite loop producing an infinite output, unlike the existing challenges tagged that way which all produce a finite output.
The task allows for an arbitrary printable character to be used (and some solutions take advantage of that). Thus there are many possible outputs (one for each printable character).
So should I add the tag to that challenge? More generally, which, if any, of the above points are relevant on whether a challenge qualifies as kolmogorov-complexity?
1 answer
Your logic is correct. kolmogorov-complexity requires for the same constant fixed output across all solutions.
This is not a static pattern, since it runs forever, so it doesn't fall under that umbrella. Allowing for a flexible character wouldn't really disqualify a question from kolmogorov complexity, however.
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