Post History
Function parameters should not be allowed to be used in place of a return value. Reasons: Terms like return value and function result are explicitly specified as a specific, formal language i...
#1: Initial revision
**Function parameters should _not_ be allowed to be used in place of a return value.** Reasons: - Terms like _return value_ and _function result_ are explicitly specified as a specific, formal language item in most languages. Therefore, interpreting a challenge asking for a return value as "return through parameter" is creating a local code golf dialect of the language (as was done on Stack Exchange). New users of the site should not need to study local, site-specific dialects of programming languages in order to contribute. It's bad enough to allow non-standard extensions. - Not all languages support pass by reference. - Some languages separate subroutines (do not return a value) from functions (returns a value). - Assuming that things like memory allocation are handled by the caller might give contributions an unfair advantage.