Post History
05AB1E, 3 bytes žÀà : implicit input žÀ : push "aeiouAEIOU" à : keep all elements of input that occur in "aeiouAEIOU" Try it online!
#2: Post edited
- # 05AB1E, 3 bytes
- ```žÀÃ```
- ```
- : implicit input
- žÀ : push "aeiouAEIOU"
- Ã : keep all elements of input that occur in "aeiouAEIOU"
- # 05AB1E, 3 bytes
- ```žÀÃ```
- ```
- : implicit input
- žÀ : push "aeiouAEIOU"
- Ã : keep all elements of input that occur in "aeiouAEIOU"
- ```
- [Try it online!](