Post History
A word suggester [FINALIZED]
#11: Post edited
A word suggester
- A word suggester [FINALIZED]
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these two inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Input string present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Input string not present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- # Now posted: [Word suggesting](
- ---
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these two inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Input string present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Input string not present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#10: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these two inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
### Straightforward- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
### Word not present- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these two inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Input string present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Input string not present as a prefix
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#9: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- You may take these inputs in any consistent order.- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these two inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#8: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.- If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.- Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Look for the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If a match was found, remove the found word from the word list.
- - Otherwise output the original input string and terminate.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word with prefix "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word with prefix "tr", leaving no remaining words with prefix "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#7: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : tread["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : tre["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : tre["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : red["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : redden["red", ["red"]] : red["red", ["redo"]] : red["red", ["redo", "red"]] : red["red", ["red", "redo"]] : red["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : redone["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : redone["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : red["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : redo["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : redo["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : red["a", ["a"]] : a["a", ["b"]] : a["a", ["a", "b"]] : a["a", ["b", "a"]] : a["a", ["ah"]] : ah["a", ["a", "ah"]] : a["a", ["ah", "a"]] : a["art", ["a"]] : art["art", ["a", "b"]] : art["art", ["b", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "antics"]] : art["art", ["antics", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : art["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : art["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : art["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : art["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : article["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : article["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : article["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : art["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : art["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : art["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : art["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : art["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : art["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : art["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : artist["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : artist["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : artist["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : artist["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : article["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : art["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : art["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : article["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : article["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : article["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : art["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : art["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : art- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- Test cases are in the format:
- `["string", ["comma", "separated", "words"]] : "output"`
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : "tread"
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : "tre"
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : "tre"
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : "redden"
- ["red", ["red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : "redone"
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : "red"
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : "redo"
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : "red"
- ["a", ["a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah"]] : "ah"
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : "a"
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : "a"
- ["art", ["a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : "artist"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : "article"
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : "art"
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : "art"
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#6: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
TODO: test cases- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"]] : tread
- ["tre", ["porridge", "pie", "plum"]] : tre
- ["tre", ["heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"]] : tre
- ["red", ["redone", "redden", "redo", "red"]] : red
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redden", "redo"]] : redden
- ["red", ["red"]] : red
- ["red", ["redo"]] : red
- ["red", ["redo", "red"]] : red
- ["red", ["red", "redo"]] : red
- ["red", ["red", "redo", "redone"]] : redone
- ["red", ["redo", "red", "redone"]] : redone
- ["red", ["redo", "redone", "red"]] : red
- ["red", ["red", "redone", "redo"]] : redo
- ["red", ["redone", "red", "redo"]] : redo
- ["red", ["redone", "redo", "red"]] : red
- ["a", ["a"]] : a
- ["a", ["b"]] : a
- ["a", ["a", "b"]] : a
- ["a", ["b", "a"]] : a
- ["a", ["ah"]] : ah
- ["a", ["a", "ah"]] : a
- ["a", ["ah", "a"]] : a
- ["art", ["a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "b"]] : art
- ["art", ["b", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "antics"]] : art
- ["art", ["antics", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "art", "antics"]] : art
- ["art", ["art", "a", "antics"]] : art
- ["art", ["art", "antics", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "antics", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["antics", "a", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["antics", "art", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article"]] : article
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article"]] : article
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a"]] : article
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "art", "article"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "a", "article"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "art", "article", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "a", "article", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "a", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["artist", "article", "art", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "art", "article"]] : art
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "a", "article"]] : artist
- ["art", ["art", "artist", "article", "a"]] : artist
- ["art", ["a", "artist", "article", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "a", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "artist", "art", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "art", "artist", "article"]] : artist
- ["art", ["art", "a", "artist", "article"]] : artist
- ["art", ["art", "article", "artist", "a"]] : article
- ["art", ["a", "article", "artist", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "a", "artist", "art"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "art", "artist", "a"]] : art
- ["art", ["a", "art", "article", "artist"]] : article
- ["art", ["art", "a", "article", "artist"]] : article
- ["art", ["art", "article", "a", "artist"]] : article
- ["art", ["a", "article", "art", "artist"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "a", "art", "artist"]] : art
- ["art", ["article", "art", "a", "artist"]] : art
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#5: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#4: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix.- If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.- Remove the found word from the word list.- 1. Output the latest found word.
Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.- ## Examples
### Straightforward example- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output.- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
### Word not present example- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
### No match due to excluded word example- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - If the prefix is one of the words in the word list, remove this found word from the word list
- - Otherwise:
- - Find the first word in the word list that has this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Otherwise remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "tread", because it was the last word found.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ### Exact match present and chosen
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "redden", "redo", "red"
- - Process
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - There is an exact match for "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "red", because it was the last word found.
- ### Exact match present but excluded
- - Input string: "red"
- - Input word list: "redone", "red", "redden", "redo"
- - Process:
- - The first word with prefix "r" is "redone", so "redone" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "re" is "red", so "red" is removed from the list.
- - The first word with prefix "red" is "redden", so "redden" is removed from the list.
- - The output is "redden", because it was the last word found.
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#3: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward example
#### Input string- "tre"#### Input word list- "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"#### Process- The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output.- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present example
#### Input string- "tre"#### Input word list- "porridge", "pie", "plum"#### Process- "tre" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".- ### No match due to excluded word example
#### Input string- "tre"#### Input word list- "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"#### Process- The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.- The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.- There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", and there are no remaining matches for "tre".- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward example
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- - Process:
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present example
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- - Process:
- - "t" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word example
- - Input string: "tre"
- - Input word list: "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- - Process:
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", leaving no remaining matches for "tre".
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#2: Post edited
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix.
- If no match was found, the output is the input string and the algorithm terminates here.- The provisional output is the found word.- - Remove the found word from the word list.
1. The output is the latest provisional output.- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- #### Process
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- #### Process
- - "tre" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- #### Process
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", and there are no remaining matches for "tre".
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
- Suggest a word from a word list, given a string.
- ## Motivation
- Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions.
- ## Input
- - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***).
- - You may take these inputs in any consistent order.
- - The word list will contain at least 1 string.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1.
- - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters:
- `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
- - No 2 words in the word list will be identical.
- - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list.
- ## Output
- - One of the words from the word list.
- - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below.
- - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output.
- ## Algorithm
- 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string:
- - Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix.
- - If no match was found, output the original input string and terminate.
- - Remove the found word from the word list.
- 1. Output the latest found word.
- Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received.
- ## Examples
- ### Straightforward example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread"
- #### Process
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output.
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr".
- ### Word not present example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "porridge", "pie", "plum"
- #### Process
- - "tre" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- ### No match due to excluded word example
- #### Input string
- - "tre"
- #### Input word list
- - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train"
- #### Process
- - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list.
- - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list.
- - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre".
- Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", and there are no remaining matches for "tre".
- ## Test cases
- ```text
- TODO: test cases
- ```
- ## Scoring
- This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code.
- > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one.
- [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"
#1: Initial revision
A word suggester
Suggest a word from a word list, given a string. ## Motivation Imagine typing a word one letter at a time, and seeing a suggested word after each letter is typed. At first the suggested word is simply the first word in the word list that matches, but once a word has been suggested it is assumed that you don’t want that word if you continue typing, so it is excluded from being a candidate for the subsequent suggestions. ## Input - A string and an ordered sequence of distinct strings (the ***word list***). - You may take these inputs in any consistent order. - The word list will contain at least 1 string. - Each of the strings in both inputs will have length at least 1. - Each of the strings in both inputs will be composed only of lower case Latin letters: `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz` - No 2 words in the word list will be identical. - The input string may be identical to one of the words in the word list. ## Output - One of the words from the word list. - There is only 1 correct output for each input, as determined by the algorithm shown below. - Your code does not need to use this algorithm, provided it gives the correct output. ## Algorithm 1. For each prefix of the input string, from length 1 to the full string: - Find the first word in the word list that shares this prefix. - If no match was found, the output is the input string and the algorithm terminates here. - The provisional output is the found word. - Remove the found word from the word list. 1. The output is the latest provisional output. Note that the word list will not necessarily be sorted, and does not need to be. Here "the first word" means the first word in the order that the word list was received. ## Examples ### Straightforward example #### Input string - "tre" #### Input word list - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train", "tread" #### Process - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list. - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list. - The first word that matches "tre" is "tread", so "tread" is the output. Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr". ### Word not present example #### Input string - "tre" #### Input word list - "porridge", "pie", "plum" #### Process - "tre" is not a prefix of any word in the word list, so the output is the same as the input string: "tre". ### No match due to excluded word example #### Input string - "tre" #### Input word list - "heavy", "table", "test", "treat", "train" #### Process - The first word that matches "t" is "table", so "table" is removed from the list. - The first word that matches "tr" is "treat", so "treat" is removed from the list. - There is no word that matches "tre", so the output is the same as the input string: "tre". Note that the first word that matches "tre" in the original word list is "treat", but this is excluded because it is the first word that matches "tr", and there are no remaining matches for "tre". ## Test cases ```text TODO: test cases ``` ## Scoring This is a [code golf challenge]. Your score is the number of bytes in your code. > Explanations are optional, but I'm more likely to upvote answers that have one. [code golf challenge]: "The code-golf tag"