Post History
#8: Post edited
Source with the whole alphabet in order of appearance
- Source with the whole alphabet in order of appearance [FINALIZED]
#7: Post edited
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the English alphabet (in alphabetical order from top to bottom) `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` is a subsequence of the source code.
- The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer/floating point constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the English alphabet (in alphabetical order from top to bottom) `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` is a subsequence of the source code.
- The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer/floating point constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - Comments are not allowed anywhere in the source.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#6: Post edited
The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer/floating point constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the English alphabet (in alphabetical order from top to bottom) `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` is a subsequence of the source code.
- The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer/floating point constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#5: Post edited
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer/floating point constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#4: Post edited
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer constants (like 0xABBA) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer constants (like 0xABCDEF) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#3: Post edited
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.- Only keywords, function names, constants or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals, integer constants (like 0xABBA) or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#2: Post edited
The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, which contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names, constants or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
- The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the source itself contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count.
- That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source.
- - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet.
- - Only keywords, function names, constants or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count.
- - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution.
- - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown.
- - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged.
- - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section).
- - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters.
- - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins.
- Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C:
- # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes
- <!-- language-all: lang-c -->
- void func (void)
- {
- fabs;cos;
- #define x long
- acosh;
- printf("hello world");
- jmp_buf j;
- isblank;
- long _Atomic l;
- alignof(int);
- puts;
- qsort;qsort;
- (void)pow;
- fmax;
- sizeof j;
- }
- [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip]
- [C (gcc)]:
- [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online"
- ---
- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text):
- > void func (void)
- {
- f**ab**s;**c**os;
- #**def**ine x lon**g**
- acos**h**;
- pr**i**ntf("hello world");
- **j**mp_buf j;
- isblan**k**;
- **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l;
- alig**no**f(int);
- **p**uts;
- **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**;
- N**U**LL;
- (**v**oid)po**w**;
- fma**x**;
- si**z**eof j;
- }
#1: Initial revision
Source with the whole alphabet in order of appearance
The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, which contains and iterates through the whole English alphabet `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` in order from top to bottom. The first mentioning of the next expected letter is the only one that counts. If a letter appears earlier on than expected, then it does not count. That is: if the letter `a` is the next expected letter, then in the source `b;abs;c;` the `a` counts and everything before it is ignored. The next expected letter in the alphabet is `b`, which is found immediately as the next letter in `abs`. That a `b` existed earlier on in the source has no relevance. Similarly, the `s` at the end of `abs` fills no purpose as the next expected letter is now `c`. And so on, until the whole alphabet has been found in the source. - Identifiers, variable/function names, string literals or anything else that can be named by the programmer _do not count_ towards iterating through the alphabet. - Only keywords, function names, constants or identifiers provided by the language's standard/default libraries count. - A solution may use non-standard libraries in which case it becomes a separate "language x + library y" solution. - The program need not do anything meaningful but must compile cleanly (no language syntax or constraint violations etc) and execute without any crashes or exceptions thrown. - Function-only answers are accepted and encouraged. - Any library includes at the top of the program are free and do not count towards the total (if using, put such in the header section). - The challenge is case-insensitive, accepting both upper and lower case letters. - This is code golf, the shortest source that fulfil the requirements wins. Non-golfed example of a correct solution in standard C: # [C (gcc)], 217 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-c --> void func (void) { fabs;cos; #define x long acosh; printf("hello world"); jmp_buf j; isblank; long _Atomic l; alignof(int); puts; qsort;qsort; NULL; (void)pow; fmax; INFINITY; sizeof j; } [Try it online!][TIO-m0gtbfip] [C (gcc)]: [TIO-m0gtbfip]: "C (gcc) – Try It Online" --- To go through this source, `func` is an identifier and does not contribute to the solution (but to the total amount of characters for code golf like usual). Neither does `x`, `"hello world"` etc. We find the alphabet as follows (bold text): > void func (void) { f**ab**s;**c**os; #**def**ine x lon**g** acos**h**; pr**i**ntf("hello world"); **j**mp_buf j; isblan**k**; **l**ong _Ato**m**ic l; alig**no**f(int); **p**uts; **q**so**r**t;q**s**or**t**; N**U**LL; (**v**oid)po**w**; fma**x**; INFINIT**Y**; si**z**eof j; }