[Rule 110] is a Turing complete cellular automaton. It is defined as follows: Take as initial value a sequence of symbols that's infinite to both sides, which consists only of two different symbol...
C (gcc), 133 131 bytes f(p,s){char*t="Hole in one\0Albatross\0Eagle\0Birdie\0Par\0Bogey\0Double bogey\0Triple bogey";for(--s?s+=5-p:0;s-=!*t++;);puts(t);} Saved two bytes thanks to m90 in the...
Ruby, 110 106 bytes Fixed capitalization and refactored for -4. ->p,s{d=s-p s<2&&"Hole in one"||%w[Albatross Eagle Birdie Par Bogey Double Triple][d+3]+(d>1?" bogey":"")} Att...
Questions The most important thing to gain traffic in a code golf site is having good questions. SE code golf has 12,718 questions(and counting), and many people are still actively posting questio...
Embed ESCR, 6 unique characters, 19 bytes [/ [*] [+ [*] [*]]] Each [] pair of brackets encloses an in-line function. The first token in a function is the function name, and subsequent tokens, if...
Ruby, 7 unique, 12 bytes $$.fdiv$$+$$ Ruby, 8 unique, 13 bytes: $$.fdiv $$+$$ Ruby, 9 unique, 22 bytes: "i".size.fdiv"ii".size Ruby, 9 unique, 24 bytes: Math::E./Math::E+Math::E
C (gcc), 8 7 unique cos(cos-cos)/(cos(cos-cos)-(-cos(cos-cos))) Try it online! -1 unique character thanks to @orthoplex
Scala, 52 bytes Stream.from(1).filter(x=>x%(x+"":\0)(_+_-48)<1).take Try it in Scastie! Woo, 3 deprecation warnings! (okay, one of them could be fixed but I like to live dangerously) St...
Command-line arguments may be used as input instead of stdin Languages/systems that support reading input from command-line arguments may use those as input instead of reading from stdin.
JavaScript, 28 bytes f=n=>n-1&&-~f(n%2?n*3+1:n/2) Try it online!
The Ludic Numbers are a sequence that pops up when you apply the sieve of eratosthenes to the natural numbers, completely removing the numbers every iteration. Here is how they are generated: The...
I think "Dangerous" could perhaps stay on. "Outdated" would probably be better off replaced with "Invalid" or something of that sort. I don't think we need "Works for me" or an analog of it at all:...
Given a sequence of letters, output only the vowels. Input A sequence of letters This may be a string or any ordered data structure of characters (provided it is consistent between inputs) Th...
Given a chess board with some knights on it, say how many squares are neither attacked by a knight nor containing a knight. Input An 8 by 8 grid where each square is either a knight or empty T...
The problem Someone has created an encoding format for square bit matrices, however they have found it isn't perfect! One encoding may not decode to exactly one matrix, or it may not even be possi...
Given a string, convert all of its letters using ROT13, and all of its digits using ROT5. This is sometimes referred to as ROT13.5. Input A sequence of printable ASCII characters (character cod...
Task Given a list of numbers $X$ produce a second list of numbers $Y$ such that $Y_i$ is the length of the longest common prefix of $X$ and $X$ with the first $i$ elements removed. For example if...
The probability of rolling every number from 1 to 6 with $N$ six-sided dice. Input A positive integer $N$. Your code must work for inputs up to and including 10, but may crash, error, or give ...
Python, 88 bytes import abc,code,fcntl,graphlib,json,pickle,cmd,errno,heapq,re,struct,csv,pwd,xml,sys,bz2 Attempt This Online! Requires a Unix-like operating system for fcntl and pwd, and at l...
Sandbox votes should give no reputation I believe this is already the case, but for completeness: I agree that neither upvotes nor downvotes on Sandbox posts should affect reputation. Although I...
The challenge is to write as short a source as possible, where the English alphabet (in alphabetical order from top to bottom) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" is a sub-sequence of the source code. Th...