Golf golf challenge
The task is to create a program which displays a golf score as text. It takes 2 numbers as input, separated by space or new line:
- The first number is the par of the specific hole.
- The second number is the score that the player got.
The program should print the textual golf term for the result, given the par. Trailing spaces or line feed are allowed.
Par can be a value between 3 to 5 and is the score that the average golf player is expected to get at that hole for their result to be considered fine. A score lower than par is considered good, a score above par is considered bad.
- A score of 1 is always called "Hole in one".
- A score of -3 below par is called "Albatross".
- A score of -2 below par is called "Eagle".
- A score of -1 below par is called "Birdie".
- A score of +1 above par is called "Bogey".
- A score of +2 above par is called "Double bogey".
- A score of +3 above par is called "Triple bogey".
Scores higher than +3 above par need not be supported by this program. Thus the score will always be a number between 1 and 5+3=8.
Examples of input and output:
4 4
4 3
4 5
4 2
5 2
3 1
Hole in one
4 1
Hole in one
3 6
Triple bogey
5 8
Triple bogey
4 6
Double bogey
This is (code) golf, shortest source per language wins.
Ruby, 110 106 bytes Fixed cap …
3y ago
[C (gcc)], 133 131 bytes …
3y ago
Ruby, 100 96 bytes Accordin …
3y ago
[Python 3], 108 bytes …
3y ago
[Python 3], 108 bytes …
3y ago
5 answers
You are accessing this answer with a direct link, so it's being shown above all other answers regardless of its score. You can return to the normal view.
C (gcc), 133 131 bytes
f(p,s){char*t="Hole in one\0Albatross\0Eagle\0Birdie\0Par\0Bogey\0Double bogey\0Triple bogey";for(--s?s+=5-p:0;s-=!*t++;);puts(t);}
Saved two bytes thanks to m90 in the comments.
3 comment threads
Ruby, 110 106 bytes
Fixed capitalization and refactored for -4.
s<2&&"Hole in one"||%w[Albatross Eagle Birdie Par Bogey Double Triple][d+3]+(d>1?" bogey":"")}
Python 3, 108 bytes
lambda p,s:"Hole in one:Albatross:Eagle:Birdie:Par:Bogey:Double bogey:Triple bogey".split(':')[s-1and s-p+4]
0 comment threads
Ruby, 100 96 bytes
According to the rules, trailing white spaces and line feed are allowed and my program uses that:
Double bogey
Triple bogey
Hole in one
0 comment threads
Python 3, 108 bytes
lambda p,s:s<2and"Hole in one"or"Par:Bogey:Double bogey:Triple bogey:Albatross:Eagle:Birdie".split(':')[s-p]
Very similar to my other solution, but handles the "Hole in one" case independently and uses wrap-around indexing for the other cases
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