Python 3, 319 318 bytes print('riBfig,barBbilBdewBmulBtayBabiu,bael,date,lime,lulo,neem,noni,pear,pili,plum,rimu,sloe,sorb,yuzu,bearBblueBcranBcrowBemu BhackBjuneBlimeBpineBraspBwineBwolfByew Back...
Fig, 3 bytes Actual score is: $3\log_{256}(96)\approx$ 2.469 bytes. Filters consonants from the input string using implicit input. Fcb Try it online! Fcb F : Filter with two string args fi...
J, 15 bytes 7 u:32 OR 3 u:] Port of Shaggy's answers. Evaluates as 3 forks 7 u: (32 OR (3 u:])) Attempt This Online! 7 u:32 OR 3 u:] ] : right argument 3 u: : 3&a...
J, 19 char Solution: (e.&'aeiouAEIOU'#]) Test examples: (e.&'aeiouAEIOU'#]) '' (e.&'aeiouAEIOU'#]) 'Rhythm' (e.&'aeiouAEIOU'#]) 'a' a (e.&'aeiouAEIOU'#...
"Finalized" (or "cancelled") seems like it should be a property of the post. We can close questions -- but not articles. I think that was a change at some point, because the point of closing is t...
Vyxal, 2 bytes ~A Try it Online! Takes input as a string, outputs a list of vowels. Explained ~A ~ # Keep only letters from the input where A # the letter is a vowel
Vyxal D, 62 bytes `$f3uV4udV5β$I$:∇₍λ2|62∵Ẏ;ȯ$0<i`$f3uV4udV5β$I$:∇₍λ2|62∵Ẏ;ȯ$0<i Try it Online! Character map: 4 : -2 3 : -1 0 : 0 1 : 1 2 : 2 Nice, long and yummy quine. Explai...
There is a new project called Attempt This Online intended as an alternative to TIO. It's pretty nascent so doesn't yet support the same volume of languages as TIO and the only version of JavaScrip...
Given a word that can be rotated by 180 degrees (a half turn) about at least one of its 3 axes and continue to be composed of English alphabet letters, output one of its rotated forms. The 3 rotat...
Connect opposite corners of a rectangle of characters without putting 4 characters in a row. Input Two numbers, W and H, representing the width and height of the rectangle Each number will be ...
Lua 5.4, 3 unique characters #'#'/#'##' Try it online! [...] scoring is done in terms of number of unique characters used in the submission. Hashtag # Single quote ' Slash /
Ruby, 33 bytes ->n,m{[*(0...n*m).each_slice(m)]} Try it online!
General requirements You need to have all the code that is necessary to create the function within your submission. For most languages, this may include the syntax for defining the name and argum...
Lua 5.4, 67 60 bytes function(x)return x==1 and 0 or 1+f(({x/2,3*x+1})[x%2+1])end Attempt This Online! Credits to @Moshi for more shortening.
No Your logic is correct. kolmogorov-complexity requires for the same constant fixed output across all solutions. This is not a static pattern, since it runs forever, so it doesn't fall under tha...
Python, 98 bytes from itertools import* f=lambda n:[*islice(filter(lambda k:k%sum(map(int,str(k)))==0,count(1)),n)] itertools.count() generates integer numbers starting from 1, filter() fil...
Given a grid of numbers, mark the concentric areas around nonzero elements (beacons) decreasing from the value of the beacon till 1. For example, here are some grids with a single beacon: Size 1:...
Japt, 13 bytes Takes input as a character array. mnG ìUrÔÄ ªUl Try it mnG\nìUrÔÄ ªUl :Implicit input of character array U m :Map n : Convert from bas...
Python 3, 60 59 bytes D=input();m=int(max(D),16);print(m and int(D,m+1)or len(D)) Quite straight forward implementation. Input string is assigned to D. m is the the max() letter in D conver...
I'm raising this on our local Meta first, rather than the main Codidact Meta, because I don't yet have the Edit Posts ability so I can't tell what problems may exist. Hopefully some of you who have...
^ That can be used. You can try to contact the person who posted the challenge and have them mark the answer as "React -> Invalid". Or otherwise it seems that anyone can mark an answer as inva...
When we launched this community, we did not yet have the ability to set different reputation grants for different categories. We've had this for a while but we failed to follow up before now, sorr...
An $n$-polyomino is a connected subset of the square tiling consisting of $n$ squares. We will not require that polyominos be simply connected, that is they can have holes. We will say a $n$-polyo...