Challenge Given a date with day, month and year, calculate how old a person born on that day would be today. Input can be in any reasonable format(params, array, date object). Input will never b...
The problem Someone has created an encoding format for square bit matrices, however they have found it isn't perfect! One encoding may not decode to exactly one matrix, or it may not even be possi...
DC is a reverse-Polish calculator REPL that is available on most Linux distributions. In reverse-Polish notation, you can push values to a stack and then pop those values back off to perform operat...
Your mission for today, should you choose to accept it, is to write a simple 12-hour clock calculator. Your input will always be in the form of arg op arg, where op is either + or -, and arg is eit...
Given a grid of numbers, mark the concentric areas around nonzero elements (beacons) decreasing from the value of the beacon till 1. For example, here are some grids with a single beacon: Size 1:...
Given a word that can be rotated by 180 degrees (a half turn) about at least one of its 3 axes and continue to be composed of English alphabet letters, output one of its rotated forms. The 3 rotat...
Given a number $n \geq 3$ as input output the smallest number $k$ such that the modular residues of $k$ by the first $n$ primes is exactly $\{-1,0,1\}$. That is there is a prime in the first $n$ p...
Given two binary strings $A$ and $B$ such that $A$ is an anagram of $B$, output a third binary string $S$ such that both $A$ and $B$ can be created by iterated removals of the substring $10101$ fro...
Task You are going to take three strings as input $A$, $B$ and $X$. And your goal is to determine if there exists a third string $S$ such that both $A$ and $B$ can be formed by iteratively removin...
An polyomino is a non-empty connected subset of the square tiling consisting of squares joined along their edges. We will not require that polyominos be simply connected, that is they can have hole...
Your task is to write a program $p$ which outputs a string $s$ with the same length as $p$, where $s \neq p$. If I remove the $n$th byte from your program to get program $q$, then either $q$ outpu...
Make the Server Fault logo using the following criteria: The boxes' measurements: There are 3 columns of 5 boxes, with long ones at the left where the rest are regular. The following measure...
Given 3 points, output one that is separated from its nearest neighbour by the largest distance. Input 3 distinct points (that is, no 2 points are in the same position). Each point is a pair o...
At my job we have to sometimes lay out materials. Materials come in large long rolls and are cut into smaller pieces when being laid out. When we order the rolls we draw up a layout document which...
Recently I asked for tips on improving some code-golf of mine. The code was supposed to output every third value of the Fibonacci sequence starting with 2: 2,8,34,144,610,2584,10946,46368,196418,...
Given a radius R, output a text representation of a circle. Input A positive integer R (strictly greater than zero) You do not need to handle values of R greater than 32 Output A square ...
Given a hexomino, indicate whether it is a net of a cube. Input A 6 by 6 grid containing exactly 6 filled squares. The 6 filled squares will be in a single edge connected set (a hexomino). Th...
Your challenge today is to golf a program to interpret something Turing-complete. You may use any Turing-complete system for this so long as it is not the source language of the challenge - even a...
import requests import json import numpy as np import base64 import cv2 Replace this with the actual image path you want to test image_path = 'H_L_.jpg' Read and preprocess the image image ...