HTML, 25 bytes <style>*{background:#000} Not really sure if this is a legal solution, but technically you can open it in your browser...
ESCR - not a golfing answer This isn't really an answer to the question, and it's not an attempt at golfing. However, it shows a cute trick for solving this problem that falls out of the way the ...
Pyth, 8 bytes qu/Red._ Try it online! A list is in a loop if and only if it is the first list seen twice as f is applied repeatedly. qu/Red._ u Apply the following function, ...
Pyth, 15 bytes !f.A-VtTsM._T.p Try it online! Outputs True if no valid recipe exists, False if one does. If truthy/falsy outputs are allowed, the ! can be removed, to just output all valid per...
HTML, 28 Bytes <HTML style=background:#000> #000 is shorter than black and quote marks are officially required but browsers figure it out.
Pyth, 25 23 bytes @f-1aM.:jT;2u+Gs>2GyQU2 Try it online! First, we generate the Fibonacci numbers: u+Gs>2GyQU2 U2 range(2), the list [0, 1] u Apply the follow...
C, 59 byte h(n){return n&4?n&2?5:n&1?1e3:n&8?50:500:n&2?100:n&1?1:10;} Old version, 60 byte: h(n){return n&4?n&2?5:n&1?1000:n&8?50:500:n&2?100:n&...
JavaScript, 42 bytes s=>(g=n=>--n&&s.includes(s%n?g:n)|g(n))(s) Try it online!
JavaScript, 36 bytes n=>n==(g=d=>--d?(n%d?1:d)*g(d):1)(n) Try it online!
Vyxal, 4 bytes KΠ√= Try it Online! Another 4 byter, but uses the definition of A007422 that a number returns true if product(divisors) == input ** 2. Explained KΠ√=...
C (gcc), 41 bytes r;o(char*s){for(;*s;r+=*s++&1);return r;} Try it online! This is under the assumption that in a function solution, input has to be passed as parameter and output throug...
C (gcc), 37 bytes This takes an integer as input. It uses the fact that the last digit is odd if and only if the number is odd, and that integer division by 10 removes the last digit. Testing if ...
C (gcc), 53 bytes This uses the shortcut behaviour of logical or (||) to only multiply if it is a divisor; the loop end condition then makes sure it's a proper divisor. i=1;p=1;f(n){for(;i<n...
Japt, 17 bytes 0-indexed gU²o!gM fÈì äa eÉ Try it 15 bytes 1-indexed @µXì äa eÉ}f!gM Try it
This has probably been discussed before but I couldn't find any posts about it. I think we should re-make the sandbox category in the following way: Votes in the sandbox category should not c...
Japt v1.4.5, 4 bytes ¶â¬× Try it ¶â¬× :Implicit input of integer ¶ :Is equal to ⬠:Proper divisors × :Reduced by multiplication
Japt v1.4.5, 7 bytes â¬d!øUs Try it â¬d!øUs :Implicit input of integer U ⬠:Divisors, excluding itself d :Are any !ø : Contained in Us : The s...
Start afresh but keep history When migrating to the Challenges category, there are several aspects of the post that could be included or discarded: Comments Edit history Votes Comments Th...
Some time has passed, and the leaderboard there now looks like this: It appears that the entry showing as undefined is confusing the leaderboard. I don't know what governs the placement of that...
Japt, 15 bytes Port of m90's JS solution, until I manage to come up with something shorter. ;Bg7^Mm8|#ÿ^3îU Try it
UiuaSBCS # Experimental!, 8 bytes ++↧∩=₂,, Try it here! Explanation ++↧∩=₂,, ,, Make a copy of the two arguments ∩=₂ Are they both equal to 2? ↧ Minimum ++ Add the...
Vyxal, 4 bytes Expects a string. O2%∑ Try it here! Explanation O2%∑ O ord 2% modulo 2 ∑ sum
65,535 The database field can already handle up to 65,535 (216 - 1) characters. Same for all post types and categories I don't see a need for different limits for questions and answers, or for d...