Implementation defines the language, so if you use extensions to a language, you should add + ... extensions to the header. E.g. for a C post using gcc extensions, the header begin with # C (gcc...
The C (gcc) implies extensions - it will only work with that specific compiler under it's default setting GNU17 (equivalent to -std=gnu17), which is mostly a superset of standard C. This also inclu...
graphical-output Usage info: Graphical output challenges involve outputting images or illustrations using graphics. Detailed wiki: (uses text from CGCC's) Graphical output challenges invol...
Python 3, 167 127 118 117 94 63 bytes def f(a,b): y=0 for z in range(len(a)):y+=a[z]*b**z print(y) Try it online! Close gap to @user's lambda answer! Golfed 40 bytes thanks to @user's...
C (clang), 47 45 43 bytes i,j;main(){for(;printf("%i ",i-=~j);j+=2);} Try it online! Golfed 2 bytes from inspiration of @Shaggy's answer. Golfed 2 bytes by @m90.
Abuse (as few) libraries (as possible) We don't want to use too much libraries when playing challenges. Sometimes, libraries aren't used at all in some answers in C. What if we want to shorten so...
Python 3, 34 bytes x=0;y=1 while 1:x+=y;print(x);y+=2 Try it online! 1 is the int equivalent to True, which helps save bytes.
In my user preferences in "Edit Profile", under the "Link Stack Exchange Account" heading, this shows up: An association with Code Golf Stack Exchange needs to be added for this site.
Swift 5.4, 17 bytes func f(){f()};f() Pretty simple. It just calls itself until it stack overflows. You need to compile and run it, not just do it in the REPL, because the REPL just drops you b...
JavaScript (Node.js), 51 bytes n=[];f=(a)=>a&&,f(a[0]),n):n Run f on your input, e.g. f([[],[]]). Explanation: n=[]; // make a global array to hold the res...
JavaScript (Node.js), 81 bytes d=(p,i=2)=>i<p?!(p%i)||d(p,i+1):0 f=(n,a=2,p=a+1)=>d(p)?f(n,a,p+1):p-a<n?f(n,p):a Try it online! Explanation: d is a helper function that returns t...
C (gcc), 126 129 bytes N=9999;f(n){int p[N],i,j,P;memset(p,1,N);for(i=P=2;i*i<N;i++)if(p[i]){for(j=i*i;j<N;j+=i)p[j]=0;i-P>=n?j=N:(P=i);}e:return P;} Try it online! This is an integer...
Husk, 6 bytes Fo+hx0 Try it online! there's got to be a smarter way to do this with grouping.
Husk, 8 bytes ηÖ↔mo⌈½ŀ Try it online! Same idea as xash's answer from CGCC.
Japt, 9 bytes ô rÈÔÅÔcY Try it or run all test cases ô rÈÔÅÔcY :Implicit input of array ô :Split on falsey elements (i.e., 0) r :Reduce by È :Passing...
Japt, 15 14 bytes @§XnÈj}aX+j}a2 Try it or run all test cases @§XnÈj}aX+j}a2 :Implicit input of integer U @ :Function taking an integer X as argument § ...
Japt, 10 bytes Outputs a 2D-array. 9õ ñu3 £éX Try it 9õ ñu3\n£éX 9õ :Range [1,9] ñ :Sort by u3 : Mod 3 of each \n :Assign to variabl...
Python 3, 51 25 bytes n=int(input());print(n%2) Try it online! Golfed 26 bytes using the technique from my PHP answer.
If you actually use the library, sure, I guess. How you are going to get it running on online compilers, I have no idea. It's very uninteresting for others to view some code using a custom library ...
Dyalog APL, 23 bytes {⍵+(⌈/+⌊/)10⊥⍣¯1⊢⍵}⍣⎕⊢1...