Activity for Marshall Lochbaum
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Comment | Post #287055 |
The two cases `bbaabbaabbaabba` and `abbaabbaabbaabb` given as falsy do fit in 8 squares, shown by adding an `a` at the end of the first or beginning of a second. Are these shorter than intended? (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #287073 |
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— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #287073 |
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— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #287073 |
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— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #287073 | Initial revision | — | over 2 years ago |
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A: Chequer checker BQN, 32 bytesSBCS Run online! ``` {∨´∾8(⥊(⊐⌾⥊𝕩)⍷·≠⌜˜2|/∘⥊)¨1+↕≠⥊𝕩} ``` Brute force: tests against all boards up to the number of characters in `𝕩` using Find (`⍷`). Using the longest dimension is faster but would cost a byte. Not explained below, `⊐⌾⥊𝕩` applies Classify under Deshape to... (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #284198 |
Post edited: Train to take advantage of the repeated 2 |
— | over 3 years ago |
Suggested Edit | Post #284198 |
Suggested edit: Train to take advantage of the repeated 2 (more) |
helpful | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282449 |
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— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282450 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Leaderboards are live Adding `display:flex; align-items:center` to `.toc--full` items centers the names and code samples vertically, which I think looks a little better. (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282449 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Leaderboards are live Seems to be an issue with the ordering (across languages) when "Group by language" is set. When I first load the page, they are ordered with the most recent post first. If I then uncheck "Group by language" and check it again, they are ordered by byte count. These should be consistent. I'd prefer the... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282442 |
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— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282442 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Create a Sudoku BQN, 11 9 bytesSBCS Run online! ``` 1⌽⍟⊢⍋3|↕9 ``` The result is a length 9 list of lists using the numbers 0 to 8. The solution is based on the 3x3 transpose list 036147258, obtained with Grade Up. This list is used to repeat the operation rotating itself by one. Since it's a self-inver... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282251 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Are they abundant, deficient or perfect? BQN, 21 bytesSBCS ``` (¬·×-+´·/0=↕⊸|)¨⊸⊔1+↕ ``` Run online! Mostly one big train used to find the appropriate group for each number, to be used with Group (`⊔`). The combining functions in a train normally have two arguments, but Nothing (`·`) can be used on the left to not pass a left arg... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282161 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Diagonalized alphabet BQN, 18 bytesSBCS ``` 'A'-¬⊸⌊2×13-˜⌜○↕14 ``` Run online! This solution computes a table of `c-r`, where `r` is the row number and `c` is the column number, so that the first row is `0 1 2…` and the first column is `0 ¯1 ¯2…`. After this it maps non-positive numbers `0 ¯1 ¯2…` to `A C E…`, ... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282080 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Evaluation order of an APL n-train BQN, 8 bytesSBCS ``` ⍒↕+2|⊢+↕ ``` Run online! The solution itself is an 8-train, so its evaluation order is given by the sequence `7 5 6 3 4 1 2 0`: first the rightmost `↕`, then the `⊢`, then the `+` between them, and so on—it's fully expanded below. Although it's organized as a train, th... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #281600 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Juggler sequences BQN, 17 bytesSBCS ``` {𝕩∾1𝕊⍟≠⌊𝕩⋆2|𝕩+÷2} ``` Run online! BQN primitives alone can't express unbounded iteration, so this must be a recursive block function. ``` {𝕩∾1𝕊⍟≠⌊𝕩⋆2|𝕩+÷2} # Function 𝕊 taking argument 𝕩 ÷2 # Reciprocal of 2 (one half) 𝕩+ # Plus ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281593 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Print the Great Numeric Pyramid BQN, 33 bytesSBCS ``` >(⌽(⊑¨55↑+˜⊸+⊔'0'+⌽⊸⌊⊸⌊)¨˜1↓↑)↕28 ``` Run online! Minimum of barycentric coordinates placed according to a skew transformation on two of them. So, the `min(i,j,27-i-j)` thing pretty much. The result is a character matrix. The three coordinates are height, distance ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281553 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Merge two strings BQN, 18 bytesSBCS ``` {⊑(⊑𝕨⊸⍷)¨⊸/∾⟜𝕩¨↑𝕨} ``` Run online! A direct translation of Razetime's APL solution (my attempted improvement `⊣∾{⊢´/𝕨⊸«⊸≡¨↑𝕩}↓⊢` turns out to be not at all correct). The BQN solution is much shorter mainly because it has Prefixes (`↑`) built in. Being able to filte... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281450 |
Post edited: The online REPL's not so slow any more |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281526 |
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— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281526 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Make my number a set BQN, 7 6 bytesSBCS ``` ≢↑∘⊢´↕ ``` Run online! The less-golfed version `{↑⍟𝕩⟨⟩}` is more readable: it applies Prefixes (`↑`) the given number of times to the empty list `⟨⟩` and… that's it. (Suffixes also works, placing elements in the opposite order). The reason this works is that a prefix... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281500 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Weave Strings Together BQN, 8 bytesSBCS ``` ∾⊒˜¨⊔○∾⊢ ``` Run online! and parsing diagram The idea here is to build a list of groups, with group `i` containing the `i`th character of each string that has one, then join the groups. The structure `∾ ⊒˜¨ ⊔○∾ ⊢` is a train of four functions: the last three form a 3-t... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281495 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Length of a Sumac Sequence BQN, 15 bytesSBCS ``` {𝕨(1+⊢𝕊-)⟜𝕩⍟>0} ``` Run online! A block function that takes $t1$ as the left argument `𝕨` and $t2$ as the right argument `𝕩`. In BQN, `𝕊` indicates recursion on the current block function. Inside the function the idea is just to return 0 if `𝕨≤0` and otherwise advance... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281490 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Win a War (or at least a few battles) BQN, 44 bytesSBCS ``` +´{(≠↑𝕨-𝔽)⊸+2↓⊑∨(≍×𝕨≥⊢)○𝔽˜⟜×⊸∾¨(<1+𝕩)×⥊↕2¨𝕩} ``` Run online! The solution is a function that takes n as the left argument (`𝕨`) and A as the right argument (`𝕩`). k is just the length of A, so it's not used as an argument. The function builds a list of all possible combin... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281467 |
First link goes to the APL solution. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281459 |
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— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281459 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Really Cool Numbers BQN, 25 bytesSBCS ``` ⌊⊸≡(/0=↕⊸|){(+´÷≠)∘𝔽¨«⟜𝔽} ``` Run online! This expression has a complicated structure. This link uses BQN's explain feature to show the order in which everything is applied. It's split into two expressions, where the `{` on the left indicates to apply the modifier on ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281450 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Output 256 in many different ways BQN, 14 solutions (SBCS) Run online! This link shows the result of each expression and a table of character intersections. Each expression intersects with itself only, giving a diagonal matrix. The expressions based entirely on repetition have been reduced to 16 reps to improve readability and res... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281433 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Create an Alphabet Diamond BQN, 19 bytesSBCS ``` ' '+32⊸<⊸×+⌜˜⌽⊸⌊↕59 ``` Run online! This uses the whitespace allowance, padding by four spaces on all sides to make the arithmetic work better. It can be adjusted by replacing `↕59` with `4+↕51` at the cost of two characters. BQN has no built-in idea of the alphabet, b... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281416 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Obligatory Quine Challenge BQN, 20 bytesSBCS ``` ∾2/0‿8⊏↓"∾2/0‿8⊏↓""" ``` Run online! BQN's strings escape double quotes by doubling them, so that the string used to start with only contains a single quote, although the output needs to have four quote characters. This also means that the source string is displayed with ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281414 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
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A: Obligatory Quine Challenge BQN, 14 bytesSBCS ``` ∾⟜•FMT"∾⟜•FMT" ``` Run online! Assumes `•FMT` will format a string by placing it in quotes, which depends on the BQN system in use. After (`⟜`) applies its right operand `•FMT` to the argument string, then joins (`∾`) the argument string to it. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |