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Edit | Post #286638 | Initial revision | — | over 2 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Make a frequency table (histogram) J, 8 bytes ```J .,:#/. ``` Tacit function, this is the de facto method for this problem in J. Attempt it online! (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #286637 | Initial revision | — | over 2 years ago |
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A: Make a frequency table (histogram) Python 3, 38 36 33 bytes ```python lambda x:{n:x.count(n)for n in x} ``` -2 bytes thanks to @Razetime Another -3 bytes thanks to @orthoplex Attempt it online! (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #285638 |
Most times I explicitly state what type of submission it is as to avoid confusion. (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #285700 |
Thanks for that, a non-tacit solution is smarter. (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #285700 |
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— | over 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #285638 |
Honestly, that's a good question. I had not thought of that. If I am reading [this]( right, though, parens are not required. (more) |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #285697 |
Post edited: |
— | over 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #286383 |
Post edited: Forgot to decrement the range |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286383 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Create a range grid MATL, 8 bytes ``` tp:qwPe! ``` Try it online! ``` tp:qwPe! t : duplicate with implicit input (function args as array) p : product [2 3]p -> 6 : : range 1..n q : decrement w : swap top of stack P : flip [2 3]P -> [3 2] e : reshape 1 2 3... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286354 |
Ah, I see. Thanks. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286361 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Create a range grid Ruby, 33 bytes ``` ->n,m{[(0...nm).eachslice(m)]} ``` Try it online! (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286354 |
Can the input be taken in as an array? (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286327 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: The Pell Numbers J, 28 bytes ``` :}.@{.m&(+/ .)&m=.2 1,:1 0 ``` [Try it online! Tacit matmul solve. `x&u&y` applies `x` to `y` `n` times. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286326 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Looping counter MATL, 16 bytes ``` 1`1yh1$lZctDwQt] ``` Try it online! The TIO output fetch will likely fail, so make sure to click the run button to stop the execution. ``` 1`1yh1$lZctDwQt] 1` ] - Push 1 onto stack, enter do-while 1 - Push 1 onto stack y - d... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286091 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Determine whether an integer is square-free MATL, 6 bytes ``` YftuX= ``` Try it online! Same method as Moshi. ``` YftuX= Yf - factor with implicit input t - duplicate u - unique X= - isequal ``` (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286089 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Solve Goldbach's Conjecture MATL, 19 bytes ``` XH:YqtZ!tsH=f1Z)Z) ``` Try it online! I'm still a novice at MATL, so I am all ears to any improvements. ``` XH:YqtZ!tsH=f1Z)Z) XH - copy implicit input to H clipboard : - range 1..n Yq - vectorized n-th prime t ... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286088 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Are All Elements Equal? MATL, 4 bytes ``` tPX= ``` Try it online! ``` tPX= t - duplicate with implicit input P - fliplr in MATLAB, reverses top of stack X= - isequal ``` (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286082 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Can you give me half? MATL, 3 distinct, 3 total ``` lH/ ``` Try it online! Computes `1/2`. Reserved labels for constants can be found here (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286061 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Solve Goldbach's Conjecture Ruby, 69 bytes ```RUBY require'prime';->n{Prime.first(n).then{1.product 1}.find{1+2==n}} ``` Try it online! (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286055 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Solve Goldbach's Conjecture J, 50 bytes ```J {{({[:y&(i.&1@:=)[:>+/&.>),{@(,&+/&.>),{@(,&+/&.>) NB. monadic hook [:>+/&.> NB. sum each pair and unbox [:y&(i.&1@:=) NB. first occurrence of y in list of sums { ... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286053 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Keyword golfing Ruby 3.1.0, 274 259 249 bytes -10 bytes thanks to Paradox in the Ruby discord ```ruby BEGIN{END{alias module class begin rescue retry ensure end if self elsif defined? for$.in true do super while false until 0unless not ENCODING and LINE or nil undef redo next end return def break =yiel... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285992 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Small integer swapping J, 3 bytes ```J ,|. ``` Try it online! This hook `y f (g y)` appends `y` with its reverse. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285963 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: Determine whether an integer is square-free J, 17 bytes ```J {{./y|:2+i.y}} ``` Try it online! A direct definition closest to Razetime's infuriatingly good train solution. Outputs a non-zero number for true and 0 for false. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285955 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: A number adder, not a death adder J, 21 bytes ```J ,&'+".1!:1(3)'1!:1(3) ``` Try it online! STDIN is ugly in J because you have to use foreigns. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285923 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: Make my value binary J, 2 bytes ```J #: ``` Try it online! Antibase two (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285922 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: Shape of an array J, 1 byte ```J $ ``` This is shape of. Pretty low-hanging fruit tbh. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #283972 |
[18 bytes]( use `p` instead of `puts` (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285903 |
Post edited: |
— | about 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #285903 |
Ah yes, I made an error there. Sorry, about that. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285903 |
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— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285903 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Can you give me half? J, 4 3 distinct, 6 bytes ```J -:-: ``` Half of ` -: ` which is asks if infinity matches infinity. Thanks to @xash in the APL farm discord for saving the 3 unique bytes and orthoplex for catching my blunder. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
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