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Determine whether an integer is square-free


An integer is called square-free if it is not a multiple of a perfect square other than 1. For example, 42 is square-free, but 44 is not because it is a multiple of the perfect square 4 = 2².

Your task is to write a program or function that takes a positive integer, and returns a truthy value if the integer is square-free and a falsey value otherwise.

This is code golf, the shortest code wins.

The square-free numbers are OEIS sequence A005117 (thanks to Razetime for pointing this out).

Some test cases:

  1  true
  2  true
  3  true
  4  false
  5  true
  6  true
  7  true
  8  false
  9  false
 10  true
 12  false
 14  true
 16  false
 18  false
 20  false
 30  true
 40  false
 50  false
100  false
110  true
111  true
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Testcases? (2 comments)
[relevant oeis]( (2 comments)

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J, 17 bytes


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A direct definition closest to Razetime's infuriatingly good train solution. Outputs a non-zero number for true and 0 for false.

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Python3, 39 bytes

lambda n:all(n%i**2for i in range(2,n))

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Makes a list comprehension from the numbers 2 through n of the remainder of the square, and then checks whether the list contains 0

-8 bytes thanks to celtschk‭
-5 bytes thanks to Moshi

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not 0 in X => all X (2 comments)
Possible improvements (5 comments)

Scala, 41 bytes

x=>2 to x forall(d=>x%d+math.sqrt(d)%1>0)

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Pretty straightforward

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Vyxal, 4 bytes


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Outputs 0 for square-free, 1 for not.

K    # Factors
 ∆²  # Is perfect square
   a # Any true?
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Ruby, 27 bytes


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Japt, 5 bytes


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Myby, 12 5 bytes

primf        : prime factors
     =       : equals
      primfd : unique prime factors

Evaluated as a monadic fork in J (f y) g (h y).

The test cases (retested) can be viewed here and were generated using this ruby script.

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How is this 5 bytes? I count 12 letters, each of which requires one byte. (2 comments)

MATL, 6 bytes


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Same method as Moshi.

Yf      - factor with implicit input
   t    - duplicate
    u   - unique
     X= - isequal
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J, 7 char


How it works:

'q:' produces prime factors of number on right

'~:' replaces the first instance of unique numbers with a 1, the rest 0

'*./' tests for all ones

Sample runs:

*./~:q: 30


*./~:q: 40


*./~:q: 50


*./~:q: 100


*./~:q: 110


*./~:q: 111


Alternative 10 char solution:


How it works:

'q:' of the number on the right produces its prime factors

'#' counts how many there are

'~.' eliminates repeats.

if the counts of factors before and after removing repeats are equal, then the number is square-free.

Sample runs:

(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 30


(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 40


(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 50


(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 100


(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 110


(#@q:=#@~.@q:) 111


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BQN, 13 bytesSBCS


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A train submission. It's 2 bytes shorter than the lambda version {∧´0≠𝕩|˜×˜2+↕𝕩}, due to omitting curly braces.

The idea is similar to ruby:

  • range 2..n+1
  • square it, then modulo n
  • are all remainders ≠ 0?
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JavaScript, 31 bytes

Outputs 0 for falsey and a non-zero value for truthy. If the 2 values must be consistent then replace the last * with && to output true instead.


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Factor, 108 bytes

USING: assocs kernel math math.primes.factors ;
IN: s
: ? ( n -- ? ) group-factors [ nip 2 < ] assoc-all? ;
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Japt, 6 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Shaggy!

k ä¦ e

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First time doing Japt so this is probably pretty bad. Just factorizes and checks that there are no duplicate factors.

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