C (gcc), 46 bytes printf(char*);main(){printf("Hello, World!");} printf(char*);(14 bytes) is better than #include <stdio.h>\n(19 bytes)
JavaScript, 31 bytes Outputs 0 for falsey and a non-zero value for truthy. If the 2 values must be consistent then replace the last * with && to output true instead. n=>(g=d=>d++&...
Ruby, 77 bytes ->x{(2..16).max_by{x.to_s(_1).chars.sum{|y|"".bytes[y.hex]}}} Attempt This Online!
Given a radius R, output a text representation of a circle. Input A positive integer R (strictly greater than zero) You do not need to handle values of R greater than 32 Output A square ...
If you're not required to use the standard cpython implementation of python, you can usually get a significant speed increase by running your code with PyPy.
Since the examples I've given in the question are deliberately brief, they don't demonstrate the benefit of hiding a large block of text. I'm giving an example in this answer of one of my own chall...
JavaScript, 52 51 28 bytes s=>Buffer(s).map(x=>x|32)+`` Try it online! -1 byte thanks to trichoplax.
Factor, 30 29 bytes [ readln "Hello, %s!"printf ] Try it online! Uses io and formatting.
Python, 89 bytes lambda l,g=lambda c:ord(c).bit_count():[i for i in l if min(map(g,l))<g(i)<max(map(g,l))] Attempt This Online!
JavaScript, 104 102 99 bytes I/O as a character array. a=>a.filter(x=>a<g(x)&g(x)<a[~-a.length],>[...Buffer(x)[0].toString(2)].sort()).sort()) Try it online!