Discussions and feedback about the site itself in Q&A format.
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This has probably been discussed before but I couldn't find any posts about it. I think we should re-make the sandbox category in the following way: Votes in the sandbox category should not c...
For challenges that require a input, what is the maximum a solution has to support, if not further specified by the challenge author? Lets say the input is a string, how long a string has to be ac...
Currently the maximum number of characters for a Codidact post is 30,000. However, at some point this may be configurable per community (or perhaps per category). There is a GitHub issue for Config...
When answering a code-golf challenge, what types of answer are acceptable by default? Can an answer be a complete program, a function, an anonymous function, a snippet of code? Please add one type...
The leaderboard that shows below a code golf challenge can either sort the answers to show the winner for each language separately (if "Group by language" is ticked) or it can show all the answers ...
The title of a Codidact question has a minimum length of 15 characters. For a question this is generally fine, as the title will be a summary of the question in the form of a single sentence. Howe...
Code golf, being about exploiting things, often brings about many questions about edge cases. Since we don't want each challenge to have to deal with all problems again and again, it makes sense to...
I'm not a golfer, I know, but I do have wanted to make a programming language back then. The name is BMPL (Builder's Multi-Purpose Language) and is currently a library I made in C (clang). It's not...
A while ago I wrote an answer in C (gcc) to the FizzBuzz challenge. Now I've found a shorter solution for the same compiler, which however uses a completely different strategy. Now I wonder if I s...
What input/output methods do you think should be allowed/disallowed while code golfing on this site? What guidelines for input/output methods do you think should be in place? One method per answer...
I've now posted on Codidact Meta How should a Codidact public API work? I'll still be taking into account any discussion here if you have Code Golf specific thoughts, but for general API discussio...
On most Codidact communities the posts list has a "Random" button among the sorting buttons: The only exceptions are the Codidact Proposals community, and Code Golf: This suggests that it is ...
When we launched this community, we did not yet have the ability to set different reputation grants for different categories. We've had this for a while but we failed to follow up before now, sorr...
Over on the Code Golf StackExchange site, there is a meta consensus that answers can be scored in fractional bytes if there exists such an encoding method. So, to quote the linked consensus questi...
Recently a flag came to my attention on this post: https://codegolf.codidact.com/posts/280372/281943#answer-281943 It is a well-intentioned answer to the challenge, but unfortunately it is wrong, ...
I see the Sandbox as a vital part of challenge design. When I visit the Sandbox I'd like to be able to show only proposals that are not finalized, so I can focus feedback where it is needed. In th...
I've recently started experimenting with hiding some of the sections in a challenge, using an expandable <details> tag. This seems to have some advantages, but I'm interested to hear how peop...
I'm raising this on our local Meta first, rather than the main Codidact Meta, because I don't yet have the Edit Posts ability so I can't tell what problems may exist. Hopefully some of you who have...
What are our rules for function submission? What constitutes a function, and what makes a submission valid? Language agnostic answers are allowed.
Lundin just suggested in a comment under another question that I tag the challenge Looping Counter as kolmogorov-complexity. Now I'm not sure if it actually qualifies for that tag, for the followi...
On my challenge Looping Counter there are several entries like this which contains a function which needs to be called with the right parameters to give the correct output. In this particular case,...
Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...
I have this challenge in Code Golf and I wonder if I can repost it here for more users to come, and also continue making these since I actually like them. Can I post this challenge to Codidact?
Reactions were just released! See the main meta post here for the details. Currently, the default reactions look like this: Now, I would argue that none of these fit for Code Golf - so what rea...
Just curious, but this might help other users, so I'm placing at Meta. A popularity-contest is a non-object winning criteria challenge that is based on having the highest scored answer of the chal...
I'm bored. Let's do something. lmao While I was Somewhere Else, I went to make suggestions for designs on their sites, and no impact really occured. However, since I'm now a Codidactian (not a Cod...
Instead of the code-golf-tips tag, could we tag "Tips for golfing" questions with tips and code-golf instead? They can still be searched for, so I don't see a reason to make a special tag to repres...
This is a feature-request post consisting of 2 actions for a reason... There's this thing that's been bugging me for a while in Code Golf CD. If you go to the tag page of the Challenges catego...
Currently, the posting guidelines for Code Golf are the defaults on Codidact. The pre existing guidelines on SE are the following: The main points of discussion are: What would we like to ...
Since there have been some discussions about the use of GCC extensions, I decided to make a default-rules post about it. How should we deal with compiler extensions to languages?
I'm still being bugged by flags being ignored when adding the language onto the leaderboard. Take for example here on an answer in Vyxal: In case you don't know, when we write an answer, using f...
In this request (not really a feature-request but still tagged so anyway), I'd like to have detailed wikis on tags and maybe usage information on them too. Currently, these tags have usage info in...
Should sandbox posts give rep? On one hand, keeping this feature motivates more people to use the sandbox. On the other hand, allowing people to gain rep twice for the same content seems wrong in s...
Somewhere Else, there was a long-standing rule that to answer a challenge, you couldn't use languages, language versions, or features that were created or introduced after the challenge was posted....
What sort of loopholes are assumed to be disallowed in any challenge on this site? One loophole per answer, please. Vote up answers if you want them disallowed, and down otherwise.
There's a small problem with the leaderboard: It seems to be recognizing the first <code> block in the answer rather than the first <pre><code> block in the answer. The byte co...
Today, I have posted my first challenge in Code Golf. I have made the Job in 202 byte. Someone in comments, have changed variables name. e.g: From rot to o, and this renaming have saved 2 bytes. ...
The fourth highest voted CGCC Meta question asks that SE increases reputation for questions. This is now status completed across the entirety of the Stack Exchange network. However, I notice that i...
I have proposed that we shouldn't use nonfree languages to compete in cops-and-robbers challenges, but this proposal needs some demarcation. Matlab, Stata, LabVIEW all have finite free trials. Bat...
What is random defined as on this site? How are answers allowed to handle random chance?
How should we deal with golfing libraries when scoring entries? Continuation of Is my extension-like library allowed to be used in answers?, the answer to that question seems to be a "yes", now we...
How should we deal with flags / command line options when scoring entries?
Currently, the leaderboard is useless on alternative-scoring challenges. In order to make the leaderboard more flexible, I propose the creation of two new tags: "lowest-score" and "highest-score"....
You might have noticed that challenges now show a leaderboard in addition to the table of contents. This is something this community has wanted for a while, and now, thanks to user contributions a...
Here is what the top of the feed for the Code Golf Challenges category looks like currently: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <i...
As we have set up communities here on the Codidact network we've been appointing temporary moderators. Ultimately, of course, we want each community to choose its own moderators; we've been doing ...
In my user preferences in "Edit Profile", under the "Link Stack Exchange Account" heading, this shows up: An association with Code Golf Stack Exchange needs to be added for this site.
I'd like to make a challenge that involves the use of a microcontroller, specifically, a challenge to read any 4-bit Gray Code from 4 IO pins, and convert it to binary. Simple introductory type cha...
I suggest we have some status tags for Sandbox. In particular, one like "status-finalized" instead of manually (and therefore inconsistently and not searchable) changing the title to say "[FINALIZE...
I feel it'd be a good idea to require, or at least heavily encourage, that challenges include an example, ungolfed, readable solution in a non-golf language like Javascript, C, Rust, or Python. Th...